My Online Business Strategy Date: 13 April 2011, 02:39
From: Gary Gregory Subject: Six figure income, realizing your dreams and living the life you deserve! Hey guys this is Gary Gregory here, I just want to start by thanking you for dropping in to share some time with me today. I know so many people are under tremendous pressure these days from every possible angle, especially with the rough economic times that have hit our shores in recent years. Believe me, after losing my job in the middle of the downturn three years ago I understand from firsthand experience. When I was struggling with mounting bills and sparse job prospects back then I know just how hard it was to find a free moment. So the fact that you’re sitting here right now sharing some of your precious time with me is something I’m honestly deeply appreciative of. And as a measure of my respect and gratitude I’d like to get something out in the open with you right away. I know that a lot of people are parading get rich quick online schemes around, you know the type: “How a 14 year old janitor made $50 million dollars in 2 weeks between cleaning rounds!” Well I want you to know from the outset that is absolutely NOT what I’m about. In fact who I am and what I want to share is the polar opposite. I’m here to deliver something I know that everyday people who want to build a real lucrative business online are in desperate need of: * A real business model that has been tested, refined and proven, not vague suggestions of general methods that may or may not work. * Specific instructions on exactly what to do, when and how to create a six figure income, not half explained barely actionable fluff. * Dependable income results that grow steadily and exponentially day by day, not pie in the sky promises of instant millions. * Ongoing dedicated support to make absolutely sure you succeed, not taking your money then forgetting about you. * The only system of its kind you will ever need to reach your income goals, not a partially complete method that leaves you with gaps. Now the system I’m about to share with the world came about as a result of a series events that started back a couple of years ago when the global economy plunged head first into crisis taking millions of people down with it. So for me to explain this system and what I’m all about I first need to tell you some of my own personal story. I’d like to give you a little background on who I am, where I came from and how I came to be talking to you today… When the global financial crisis yanked my income source out from under me and my family three years ago it was one of the toughest periods of my life. At the time I was in the mortgage banking industry and it just so happened I was working for the very first company that fell in the collapse. I was literally at the epicenter of the economic downturn. The company I worked for disappeared and my job went along with it, and what was to follow was a downward spiral that nobody at the time (including myself) understood or could have imagined. At first I jumped from mortgage company to mortgage company, hoping that the sinking ship would somehow right itself, collecting unemployment as I could, when I could, as the bills were mounting. But as that sinking ship plunged deeper and deeper into oblivion it became painfully clear that it was only going to keep going down. I knew that I had to find a way to get off that doomed vessel or else it would drag my me and my family down with it. So I began to think about alternate ways to support my family financially. I was tired of letting their financial destiny be in the hands of something or someone else. I had to have more control over that. I knew there had to be a better way. As it later turned out, losing my job in the economic downturn was actually the greatest blessing I could have ever received. It was that sudden pressure, that absolute need to provide for my family no matter what that snapped my brain into a new mode of thinking. It forced me to banish all doubts from my mind and insist on forging a life for myself and my loved ones that could never be snatched away from us. So I set about seizing control of our financial destiny with every bit of my focus and determination. There were no ifs, ands or buts in my mind – I was going to make it happen and that was that. I know what it is to watch your bank account dwindling while your bills stack up higher and higher. I remember that sick lurching feeling in the pit of my stomach all too well. Even before the downturn, I remember how it felt to have to bite your tongue while your boss brandished the keys to the new car or house he just bought with the revenue your hard work generated for his business. Or to have to deal with the tiresome ongoing to and fro of petty office politics. I won’t forget the money I had to waste just on paying the expenses of working a 9-5 job. I came to realize that by the time you covered your office attire, your daily commute, your meals and coffees and every other little thing that came up during the week, a significant chunk of your wage went to paying for the ‘privilege’ of going to work! In a lot of ways I was already well aware of how futile my 9 – 5 income source was but I had stuck at it for what I thought was stability for my family. And when all of my hard work over the years was rewarded with the instant destruction of my employment it blew the illusion of stability out of the water for good. At that point I knew if I really wanted stability and prosperity for me and my family I was going to have to go out and create it for myself. And that’s exactly what I did. In the beginning, even though I knew without doubt I was going to take control of my financial destiny, I honestly didn’t know how I would do it… …Until I got a tip off about the opportunities for establishing and growing a legitimate and highly lucrative business completely and utterly online. As a former bricks and mortar business owner I was an entrepreneur at heart, and when I began to explore the world of online business I saw a virtually untapped marketplace that was tremendous and was only going to get bigger (and better). The more research I did, the more I came to realize the gigantic opportunity the internet could provide, as long as one was committed and willing to do the work involved to make it happen. Thankfully for me the extensive background I had in sales and marketing allowed me to identify and avoid the numerous “get rich quick” schemes floating around that delivered little in the way of legitimate online business guidance. I already knew how to run a business and I understood the core unchanging principles of sales and marketing. All I needed was to fill in the knowledge gap that would allow me to transfer these skills into the online arena. So I began to study various ways of building an online business and I tested, tested and retested each one over and over again. As a result of many trials and errors over a full year of development I finally formulated a business model that worked, delivered steadily increasing revenue and could be repeated over and over again with the same positive results. Once I had refined a system that came through with reliable, repeatable results I diligently set about rolling out that system and expanding my online presence. I moved successfully into dozens of market niches and… Today, three years after the downturn and what felt like the worst time of my life, I find myself happier and more free than I have ever been before! When I want to spend time with my family, I do it. When I want to take a vacation, I do it. When I want to sleep in, I do it. When I want to buy something for my wife or my kids, I do it. Every cent I earn goes straight to the lifestyle and future of me and my family and… Now you’ll notice I’m not raving about being a millionaire nor making any crazy exa
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