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Simple Seduction DVD Set
Simple Seduction DVD Set
Date: 14 April 2011, 13:24

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The Art Of PickUp – Simple Seduction DVD Set
The Art Of PickUp – Simple Seduction DVD Set
Whatever you do, don’t confuse the Simple Seduction? DVD Set with run-of-the-mill video courses. This is a hands-on program that features easy, painless exercises you can do after each lesson – exercises that enable you to gradually master every step in the dating and seduction process.
The exercises involve interacting with women in situations where there’s absolutely no fear of rejection! Before you know it, you’ll have strengthened your skills – and all the powerful techniques will come naturally to you.
Fear is just a product of insufficient instruction. When you’re given sufficient instructions for understanding the psychology of women, you will never be nervous about approaching women again, or fear being rejected.
That’s why we chose to present this course in video format – instead of book or audio format. The videos enable us to visually depict all the possible scenarios showing the right ways and the wrong ways to meet, date and seduce women.
After each scenario is shown, the video hosts, Sarah and Alan, break down each scenario step-by step, point out all the mistakes – and then show a scenario wherein everything is done right.
It?s like having play-by-play -wordremoved–wordremoved–wordremoved–wordremoved-ysis of a football game – from kickoff to touchdown. The Simple Seduction? DVDs also feature play-by-play scenarios – from kickoff (approaching a woman) to touchdown (sexual conquest).
This type of visual instruction ensures maximum mastery of the powerful psychological principles taught in the videos.
And as if that weren’t enough, each lesson on the videos is followed by the “On the Street” interviews with plenty of real-life single women talking candidly about a wide range of topics involving dating, such as …
… men’s approaches – what works and what doesn’t work with women
… their turn-ons and turn-offs
… their preferred opening lines
… best places where they’re most receptive to a man’s advances
… favored conversation topics
… how a man should ask for their phone number
… their idea of a perfect first date
… bad places to take a woman out on a date
… best way to ask a woman out on a date
… do’s and don’ts for a first date
… when should a guy attempt the first kiss?
… their idea of a perfect second date
… how the second date should differ from the first date
… when should a guy make a move toward sexual intimacy
… and much more.
Men usually have the general impression that women want to be told they?re beautiful – and that women want rich guys, and guys who will spoil them and sweep them off their feet.
All of these things are true, of course. So what does the average man do when approaching a woman?
He tells her how beautiful she is, tries to impress her by telling her of his achievements, what he owns or what he does for a living – or doing a lot of other things that he thinks women like.
Do these things sound familiar? Maybe you’ve done some of these yourself?
Well, I’m here to tell you that these are the wrong strategies for approaching women. But before I tell you the correct strategy, let’s take a look at a few other common mistakes men make when trying to meet, date and seduce women. Any one of these may be the reason why you’re not scoring with as many women as you’d like. How many of these mistakes are you making?
* Looking for women in all the wrong places
* Using cheesy pickup lines
* Approaching a woman with an opening line that sounds rehearsed
* Failure to convey self-confidence
* Sloppy grooming and lack of personal style (women take meticulous notice of these!)
* Failure to gain a woman’s trust (thereby triggering a woman’s perception of threat)
* Asking the wrong kind of questions that bring a conversation to a screeching halt
* Revealing too much about yourself too soon
* Taking a woman out to dinner and a movie on a first date
* Choosing a date location that has a negative effect on how the woman perceives you
* Trying for a first kiss when the environment is not conducive
* Waiting until the end of a date to kiss a woman
* Failure to use conversation and body language to create a romantic/sexual atmosphere
* Being too “friendly” – and flirting ineffectively – thereby making a woman view you only as a friend and not a romantic interest
* Making conversation with a woman that feels like an interview or an interrogation
Obviously, there are many more mistakes men make that are too numerous to list. And guess what? They all stem from not understanding the psychology of single women.
Knowledge of a woman’s psychology is essential if you want to capture her attention long enough to score a homerun with her.
Have you ever fantasized about becoming the modern-day counterpart of Don Juan or Casanova – about becoming a rampant seducer of women? Your fantasy may now be well within your reach. Again, the secret lies in understanding the psychology of single women.
Imagine yourself being at a club or a bar, at a party, the supermarket, the office, the gym, the library, or just walking down the street – and spotting an attractive woman whom you’d like to meet. What if you could easily…
* Approach her without feeling even a bit nervous or afraid of rejection
* Say something to her that is GUARANTEED to make her interested in you – without using cheesy pick-up lines
* Keep a conversation going that will not only create a connection between you, make her attracted to you (often without her knowing why) – and effortlessly get her phone number
* Get her out on a first date, wherein she enjoys being with you, allows you to kiss her – and after the date is over, she thinks about you often and finds herself wanting more of you
* Seduce her and make her want to become intimate with you by the second or third date
What if you could just glide smoothly through the above steps – as easily as you would a paint-by-numbers set – and always hit a homerun with the woman of your choice?
Wouldn’t that make you feel like a modern-day Don Juan? If you think it could never happen to you, think again.
You see, there is a science to the dating game. Women are profoundly complex, but fascinating creatures with a unique psychology and mindset so radically different from men. But once you “get” that unique psychology of women, they’ll be like putty in your hands.
While there are countless books, websites and manuals on the topic of seducing women – some offering decent and accurate information – if you’ve ever tried to apply what you’ve read to actual situations, I’m sure you found it very difficult, didn’t you?
That’s why we at Simple Seduction? produced a first-of-its-kind video program that shows play-by-play depictions of every step of the dating game – from the initial approach … all the way to the sexual encounter.
The Simple Seduction? 3-DVD set is the first instructional video series that comprehensively explains and demonstrates all of the techniques and concepts that took well over 4 years to compile. All other available written resources regarding the topic of seduction – some offering fairly decent and accurate information – fail to show how to effectively execute seduction techniques the way the Simple Seduction? DVD program does.
Our 4-year research and interviews with dozens of single women from all walks of life have demystified the process of meeting, dating and seducing women. Now, it’s just a matter of following the powerful techniques shown in the video and doing the easy practical exercises – and dating success happens automatically!
Simple Seduction Volume I – a 60-minute DVD that reveals the anatomy of a successful pick-up. You’ll be surprised to know that it’s NOT based on canned pick-up lines but rather on the unique psychology of a woman.
You will learn how to overcome the natural hesitation associated with approaching w


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