GENERAL X86 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: 32/64-BIT 80 x 86 Assembly Language Architecture, James Leiterman, Wordware Publishing, 2005, 586 pages 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture, Detmer, 2001, 513 pages Assembly Language for Intel Based Computers 4th Edition, Irvine, Pearson Eductaion, 2003, 731 pages Assembly Language Step by Step, Jeff Duntemann, Wiley, 1992, 466 pages Assembly Language - The True Language of Programmers, PC Underground, 2006, 548 pages Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture, Richard C. Detmer, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2001, 499 pages Introduction to Assembly Language Programming For Pentium and RISC Processors, Dandamudi, Springer, 2005, 701 pages Microprocessor Theory and Applications with 68000/68020 and Pentium, M. RAFIQUZZAMAN, Wiley, 2008, 589 pages PC Assembly Language, Paul A. Carter, 2006, 195 pages The 80386 Book, Ross P. Nelson, Microsoft Press, 1998, 454 pages The Art of Assembly Language, Randall Hyde, 1998, 1426 pages The Art of Assembly Language, Randall Hyde, No Starch Press, 2003, 903 pages The Unabridged Pentium 4 IA32 Processor Genealogy, Tom Shanley - Bob Colwell, Addison Wesley, 2004, 1744 pages Write Great Code: Understanding the Machine - Volume I, Randall Hyde, No Starch Press, 2004, 410 pages Write Great Code: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level - Volume II, Randall Hyde, No Starch Press, 2006, 642 pages GERMAN LANGUAGE EBOOKS: ASSEMBLER-Programmierung, Technische Universitat Dresden, 2005, 44 pages Assembler–Tutorial - Grundlagen und Theorie, 1999, 15 pages Das Assembler-Buch, Trutz Eyke Podschun, ADDISON-WESLEY, 2002, 927 pages Das Assembler-Buch 4.Auflage, Trutz Eyke Podschun, ADDISON-WESLEY, 1999, 997 pages Die Assemblersprache der intel 80x86-Prozessoren, Prof. Dr. Klaus Wuest, Fachhochschule Gie?en-Friedberg, 2003, 160 pages Die PC Assemblersprache, Paul A. Carter, 2006, 182 pages Mikrocontroller und Mikroprozessoren 2.Auflage, Uwe Brinkschulte - Theo Ungerer, Springer, 2007, 462 pages MISCELLANEOUS EBOOKS: 8080-8085 Assembly Language Programming, intel, 1977, 224 pages Fundamentals of Embedded Software - Where C And Assembly Meet, Daniel W. Lewis, Prentice Hall, 2002, 280 pages Learn Microsoft Assembler in a Day, Wordware Publishing, 1993, 114 pages Mastering Turbo Assembler 2nd Edition, Tom Swan, Sams Publishing, 1995, 958 pages Optimizing subroutines in assembly language, Agner Fog, Copenhagen University College of Engineering, 2009, 157 pages The Zen of Assembly Language, Michael Abrash, Foresman Assembling Series, 547 pages Visual C++ .NET Optimization with Assembly Code, Yury Magda, A-LIST Publishing, 2004, 464 pages X86 Assembly, From Wikibooks, 123 pages WINDOWS + DOS EBOOKS: Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering, Eldad Eilam, Wiley, 2005, 619 pages The Assembly Programming Master Book, Vlad Pirogov, A-LIST Publishing, 2005, 736 The Undocumented Functions for Microsoft Windows NT/2000 Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming, Barry Kauler, R&D Books, 1997, 421 pages Windows Internals 4th Edition: Microsoft Windows Server, Mark E. Russinovich, Microsoft Press, 2004, 976 pages Windows NT 2000 Native API Reference, 482 pages LINUX EBOOKS: Assembly Language Programming with DOS and Linux 2nd Edition, Jeff Duntemann, Wiley, 2000, 613 pages Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux, Dandamudi, Springer, 2005, 539 pages Linux Assembly Language Programming, Bob Neveln, Prentice Hall, 2000, 184 pages Professional Assembly Language, Richard Blum, Wrox Press, 2005, 577 pages Programming from the Ground Up, Jonathan Bartlett, 2003, 326 pages