When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready Date: 21 April 2011, 15:18
Product Description Interactive exercises and trading guidelines for using today's most strategically advanced "event-trading" technique High-profile events and announcements can cause tremendous swings in stocks and sectors, and often point out tremendous opportunities to investors who know how to read them. When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? is a "how-to" for knowing which events matter versus which are meaningless, and how to take advantage of the former for consistent trading success. Emphasizing the practical side of trading, When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? features exercises, Q&As, and checklists for using investing techniques in day, swing, value, or virtually any other trading or investing style. This hands-on book explores: Techniques for finding the best stock in a given sector Methods for profitably combining technical and fundamental analysis Ways to continually assess market and sector trends From the Back Cover The First Hands-On Guidebook for Macrowave Investing--Today's Most Potent, Strategically Advanced Event-Trading Technique "Macro" events play a large part in determining movement in markets, sectors, and individual stocks. Often these events are preceded by signals that a price-impacting event is about to occur. The key to success is using those signals to determine your buys and sells. The companion to Dr. Peter Navarro's bestselling If It's Raining In Brazil, Buy Starbucks, which won over the investing world to the effectiveness of macrowave investing, this workbook features: Techniques to determine the direction of the market, sector trends, and stocks within those sectors Exercises, review questions, checklists, and more to preparee you for macrowave investing The Three-Point Break Method--A tool to identify trend reversals and the profitable points at which to buy or sell Financial markets are driven by the emotions, and reactions of investors to headline reports and events. When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? shows you how to use the predictive strength of macrowave investing to determine when such events will occur, the impact of these events on the market, and the sectors or stocks that will help you profit from the aftermath. "This book takes a wonderful 'bifocal' look at investing. If you want a book that is both practical and insightful, this is the book for you."--Julie Stav, author of the #1 bestseller Get Your Share PassWord: NO
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