Voice of Earth (NASA Voyager Space Sounds) Date: 11 April 2011, 18:13
Although space is a virtual vacuum, this does not mean there is no sound in space. Sound does exist as electromagnetic vibrations. The specially designed instruments on board the various space probes used Plasma Wave antenna to record the vibrations used here, all within the range of human hearing (20-20,000 CPS) Each planet, moon and ring system has a distinctive "musical" pattern. Listening to this unusual recording has a mysteriously relaxing effect. After a long hard day, you can bring your brainwaves into a slower and meditative state. In 1989, Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A. was approached by representatives working with NASA and JPL to explore a series of powerful recordings which the Voyager I & II Spacecraft had sent back from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These recordings seemed to be having a profound effect on the scientists and researchers who were exposed to them. Dr. Thompson was approached as an expert in the field of sound and healing, and especially in his work with "Primordial Sounds.” Primordial sounds are human body sounds and nature sounds formatted in special ways to cause a deep response in the subconscious mind. These are extremely useful in all levels of healing. Could the space sounds actually be Primordial Sounds, also – from outer space but strangely familiar to us? This is the "wildest" planet of all the Space Sound Series. Multiple types of sounds swirl in 3-D all around you which sound like - dolphins, whales, birds, ocean, voices. The sounds on Voice of Earth are beyond amazing… This recording was used as part of a one hour TV special in Japan for its effectiveness in alleviating sleep disorders in children. The Voice of Earth Sounds come from the interaction of the Solar Wind with the magnetosphere of Earth. You are hearing the Aura Borealis, NASA Injun I, Hawkeye, IMP1 and ISEE I Space Probes Recordings. The energy production of the Sun is far from even and fluctuates on an 11 year cycle. Maximum production coincides with high sunspot activity when processes on the Sun's surface throw particles far out into space. These particles are called the solar wind. When the Solar Wind collides with the magnetosphere with a sufficient number of particles, it causes the northern lights. These space sounds of Earth were recorded by the Injun I, Hawkeye, IMP I and ISEE I space probes from Earth orbit. Although space is a vacuum, this does not mean that there is no sound. it only means that there is no air in space to act as a medium to transmit soundwaves to your ear. The specially designed instruments on board these probes were designed to pick up and record these vibrational frequencies. This information, which was sent back to Earth and decoded, are the beautiful and intriguing sounds you hear on this recording. The sounds you hear are interactions of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, plasma wave phenomena and interactions between Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. These vibration frequencies are all exactly within the range of human hearing, 20 - 20,000 Hz. This is truly the real "Voice" of Earth. These recordings have been specially processed, filtered and spacially mastered in 3-D sound for deep relaxation and stress reduction. Planet Profile Mass (kg)............................................5.98 x 10^24 Diameter (km)........................................12756 Mean density (kg/m^3) ...............................5520 Escape velocity (m/sec)..............................11200 Average distance from Sun (AU).......................1 Rotation period (length of day) (in Earth days)......23.93 Revolution period (length of year) (in Earth days)...365.26 Obliquity (tilt of axis) (degrees)...................23.4 Orbit inclination (degrees)..........................0 Orbit eccentricity...................................0.017 Mean surface temperature (K).........................281 Maximum surface temperature (K)......................310 Visual geometric albedo..............................0.39 Highest point on surface.............................Mount Everest (over 8 km above sea-level) Atmospheric components...............................78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon
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