Visual C# 2005 How to Program Date: 21 April 2011, 09:59
The complete, authoritative DeitelA (R) Live-Code introduction to object-oriented programming with C# 2.0, Visual C#A (R) 2005, ADO.NET 2.0, ASP.NET 2.0 and Web Services! C# is one of the world's most powerful object-oriented languages. This new edition, which is completely updated to C# 2.0 and Visual C#A (R) 2005, uses a carefully paced early classes and objects approach. This book is a must have for any C# student because of its thorough explanations, its carefully developed and commented examples, and its numerous and interesting exercises. The idea of introducing a bit of UML in each chapter through a case study is great and should be in every book! It's the book I'll recommend to my students! -Jose Antonio Gonzalez Seco, Andalucia's Parlamient I'm glad to see the early treatment of objects done so well. The UML material is well explained and will help students better understand OOP. A comprehensive introduction to XML, and one of the clearest tutorials on Web services I've read, with great examples. An excellent chapter on generics. Explains data structures with a clarity that is hard to come by.- Gavin Osborne, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology Overall fantasic coverage of inheritance.-Dharmesh Chauhan, Microsoft The [optional] ATM OOD/UML case study is excellent! The implementation of the design developed in the early chapters gives the reader a fantastic model of a real world problem. You hit a home run with this one! -Catherine Wyman, Devry-Phoenix Deitel has a real knack for presenting technical material with accuracy, clarity and brevity. -Harlan Brewer, University of Cincinnati Excellent coverage of developing ASP.NET 2.0 applications, with plenty of sample code. The chapter on exception handling is one of, if not the best such chapters I have seen in the 50+ .NET related books I've read and reviewed. The chapter on Networking is one of the best I have seen. -Peter Bromberg, Merrill Lynch, C# MVP A beautiful presentation of threads -Pavel Tsekov, Caesar BSC A superb job of clearly integrating the theory of relational databases and SQL with the application of ADO.NET.- Harlan Brewer, University of Cincinnati Visual C# 2005 How to Program, 2/e, includes comprehensive coverage of object-oriented programming in C#, and several major integrated case studies: the Grade Book class (Chapters 4-6, 8), the Time class (three sections of Chapter 9), the Employee class (Chapters 10-11), the optional OOD/UMLaA A 2 ATM system (Chapters 1, 3-9 and Appendix J), and three multi-tier, database driven Web applications-a guest book (Chapter 21), a secure book database (Chapter 21) and an airline reservation system (Chapter 22). Dr. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel are the founders of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the internationally recognized corporate training and content creation organization specializing in C#, Visual BasicA (R) .NET, Visual C++A (R) .NET, JavaaA A , C, C++, XML, Python, Perl, Ruby, AJAX, Internet, Web and object technologies. The Deitels are the authors of many other best-selling programming language textbooks, including JavaaA A How to Program, 6/e, Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 3/e and C++ How to Program, 5/e. Visual C# 2005 How to Program, 2/e's instructor and student resources include Web sites ( and www. with the book's code examples and information for faculty, students and professionals.
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