The Unemployed Millionaire Date: 14 April 2011, 09:30
"We are all self-made. But only the successful will admit it." - Earl Nightingale In The Unemployed Millionaire, I’m going to show you exactly how I turned myself into a millionaire before the age of 30. ‘LUCK’ Has Nothing To Do With It And in case you think I might have had it easy or just got lucky, here's a glimpse into my life: * When I turned four years old, my parents divorced. * A year later, my father broke into our home and murdered my mother’s boyfriend by shooting him dead right in front of her. * After his time in prison, he returned to living his days as a severe alcoholic. * My mom raised me, working two jobs… with no child support, and often on food stamps… while struggling to finish her degree. * When I was 13 years old, my father committed suicide. * When I turned 18, I decided to become an entrepreneur AND… * By 21, I had failed so miserably that I was $30,000 in debt, homeless, and living out of my little beat-up Honda Civic… having to bathe in gas station bathrooms. (I once bathed in a Church parking lot – nude! I’ll leave that story for the book.) When that’s all you have to look forward to every morning – and look back on every night – it can be pretty hard to convince yourself: “I’m gonna be a millionaire some day!” But then… I discovered the strategies I’ll be sharing with you in The Unemployed Millionaire… and in less than three years, by the age of 24, I was earning a six-figure income, working for myself, and traveling around the world. By age 29, I was a self-made millionaire. My companies have generated over 100,000 customers in 190 countries around the world generating well over $20,000,000… and, at only 33, I feel like I’m just getting started. Even though I now live what I consider to be a dream lifestyle, I still remember what it’s like to be hungry. I remember what it’s like to feel despair and discouragement waking up every day wondering if life will ever get better. Maybe things aren’t that bad for you. Great! Either way, you can still prosper from these specific steps and actions I lay out for you in The Unemployed Millionaire where I lay the foundation for success and financial freedom beyond your wildest dreams. I want to share these strategies with you because I know they work. And they’ll work for anyone who simply follows them. You can easily do what I’ve done, and far more. Because if I can do it, you can too… and this book shows you exactly how. “Making a million dollars was one of the easiest things I've ever done. Believing it could happen to me… was one of the hardest.” …and chances are it’ll be the same for you. That’s why one of the very first things we deal with in The Unemployed Millionaire is… Belief Systems: How to identify them, how to change them. Because the only real limitations in life are those limiting beliefs you hold so dear. And pleeeease don't think I'm going to bore you to death with the same old, tired, mantra of "think positive thoughts and you'll get positive results" B.S. I'm going to go deep into the science of the mind and give you the real, no holds barred, specific strategies for re-programming yourself into a millionaire. Here are just a few chapter titles to give you an idea of what you'll learn: * Impotent Dreams Produce Impotent Results - You’ll finally be on your way to living life beyond your wildest expectations… once you first have some wild expectations! Dreams are the fuel that convert ‘desire’ to ‘action’. So I’m going to help you get clarity on your most potent ‘top fuel’ dreams… * Goal Setting is for Losers - Every goal setting technique you've ever read about actually sets you up for FAILURE! Most people set goal after goal, with grand ambitions, only to fall short time and again… leaving them frustrated and ready give up. (When you read this chapter, you’ll never have that problem again. From now on, your goals will be like guardrails along the Autobahn of Success, keeping you on track, and ‘between the yellow lines’!) * Action Management for Peak Performance - Almost every millionaire I know is laser-focused on managing their time effectively. In reality, though, you can’t manage time – you manage action. And that’s precisely what this chapter will do: Help you master the art and science of action management. (By blending bits from the best systems I’ve studied, with my own modifications, I’ve come up with something very near perfection.) * The Secret Character Trait of the World’s Most Powerful People - Warren Buffet has it... Bill Gates has it... Richard Branson definitely has it... And when you learn & apply the lessons in this chapter, YOU'LL have it too. * Starting a Business - Even if you have no idea what kind of business to start, take heart: Neither did I when I started! I just knew I wanted to be in business for myself. No matter how little or how much experience YOU have selling a particular product or service, I’ll show you exactly what you need to achieve all the success you can handle! * Why Invent the Average When You Can Copy Genius? - Originality can be great for an artist. For an entrepreneur, too much can be deadly! Here’s the straight skinny on blazing your own trail: If nobody else is doing what you want to do, there’s probably a darned good reason! Competition is proof your idea is worth pursuing… because money is being spent! You don’t need a product that no one else is selling. You really don’t even need a better VERSION of the same product. With these strategies, you'll learn to wipe the competition right off the slate! * Internet Marketing - With over 1.5 Billion Internet users worldwide, and more coming online every day… Internet marketing is one of the easiest ways ever to become an Unemployed Millionaire. You can reach customers literally anywhere in the world, at next-to-no-cost through e-mail and other forms of digital advertising. Earning a million dollars online using what I provide you here is well within your reach! * Real Estate Investing - Put those fears aside, folks, because beyond all doubt THE best investment on earth… is earth! Think of it: Nothing is more universal than real estate. Simply stated: Everyone needs to live somewhere! And there are so MANY ways to make money in real estate. You’ll understand the differences, the pros and cons of each, and how to make the most money in the shortest time, no matter what area of real estate you settle on. * Outsource Your Marketing Through Joint Venturing - 'Good' marketers create sales. 'Great' marketers enroll others to create sales! And that’s the power of joint venturing – leveraging the efforts of others to create greater sales and profits than you could ever create on your own! In this chapter I give you the exact "word-for-word" email scripts & strategies I used to generate MILLIONS through joint venturing. * Five Specific Strategies to Crush the Competition - Every business is going to have competition – it’s always there. (And if there isn’t, go back to what I said about re-inventing the wheel!) You’re going to need a consistent, workable strategy for dealing with it. Here’s how to position your business to negate the competition’s advantages, and drive more business your way. I give you 5 powerful strategies here – for you to use in whatever combination works best for you at different times. And there’s still so much more we’ll cover together in The Unemployed Millionaire! I promise this book will help you finally take back control of your life and introduce you to a part of yourself that you may not be familiar with: The Millionaire inside you.
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