The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway! Date: 28 April 2011, 06:09
The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway! By Garrison Wynn * Publisher: McGraw-Hill * Number Of Pages: 256 * Publication Date: 2009-09-11 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071629963 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071629966 Product Description: "Everyone is looking for the real in whatever they endeavor. Garrison Wynn went out looking for real answers to real success challenges--and he found them. If you want them, get this book real fast!" --Jeffrey Gitomer, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Little Red Book of Selling Life and business aren’t fair, which is good. If they were, you couldn’t seize the unfair advantage. Think about it. Is your CEO the smartest person in the company? Is the head of your department more driven than you? Does the leading company in your industry make the best products? Probably not. They all have one thing in common, though: They’re on top of the pile because they discovered and exploited their unfair advantage—and with the help of business expert and motivational dynamo Garrison Wynn, you can do the same. The Real Truth about Success is the culmination of ten years’ worth of interviews with more than 5,000 top performers in their fields. During the process, Wynn discovered that better brains, a positive attitude, and superior all-around quality rarely drive true success. Rather, the most successful people in the world leverage their unique, distinctive qualities—whatever they may be—to propel themselves to the front of the line. In The Real Truth about Success, Wynn helps you: * Discover (or create) your own personal advantage * Align it with the most appropriate goals * Transition from self-knowledge to repeatable implementation * Relentlessly put your advantage to practical use * Bask in the sunshine of well-deserved success All of us have a personal advantage we can use to stack the cards in our own favor. What’s yours? High intelligence? Good looks? Likability? Great connections? (Your unfair advantage may well be a talent for leveraging other peoples’ unfair advantage.) Refreshingly (sometimes brutally) honest about what it takes to get to the top, The Real Truth about Success blows the lid off the secret of their success—so you can make it the secret of your success. Summary: Real, useful and the funniest biz book I've ever read Rating: 5 I'm a big reader. Well ok I guess I'm a little reader at just 5'6" but I do read a LOT of books, about 75 a year, and about 10 of those are business books. I've read fewer business books over the last couple years, because my experience in business is different from what most of these high falutin PhD business book writers recommend. In fact, I've learned some lessons from trying to implement "book smarts" in the business world. It's not always a good idea! But Garrison Wynn's Real Truths are just that- both getting at the real advantages people have (sometimes it's being the boss's son) and the psychological compulsions we can leverage in ourselves- both are real, in my experience. Finding out that sometimes it's not that you suck, it's just that the other guy was related to the owner, can actually be encouraging. Then you can look for your own advantages, build relationships, and use them to succeed. And this is the first biz book I've read where I laughed at about every other page, sometimes twice a page. Garrison's comedic experience, and his funny keynote speeches (watch some on his website, as funny as any comedy central comedian, which isn't saying much- actually as funny as the best of those) both have happened because he's naturally funny- he thinks differently than most- so that makes it insightful and hilarious. E.g. watch out for these humor gems: Giant Smart Guy and why we follow him, Michael Phelps' disturbing amazingness, and why some people make those around them lose the will to live. Useful, true, and funny. A great, insightful, and because of the humor, recreational experience. I highly recommend it. Summary: What's keeping you from your success? Rating: 5 By the time you are two chapters in, these are the questions you will be asking about your own success: What's keeping me back? What are my advantages? What are my opportunities that those around me don't have? And, what can I learn from those who are successful that will put me on the right path? Garrison Wynn writes his funny and charming book like a mystery. How do those people sitting at the front table, hauling away those big awards from the conference achieve their successes? What do they do differently? How did they get in the front of the line, and the top of the heap? He decided to do some interviews, issue surveys, and ask questions only to find that the answers he was handed were trite and predictable. Everyone knows what "best practices" are, why are some people more successful than others at using them? It took some deep digging, prodding, patience and a little calling out, but Garrison got to the bottom of what makes that 1% more successful, and the answer is so simple it is hard to believe. Everyone has advantages, talents, capacities and connections that could help them win in the unfair fight that is today's business world. It's how you use them, how you recognize them, how you develop them, and finding the courage to be yourself that can put you ahead. Be prepared to laugh out loud in the coffee shop, and to nod your head in recognition as Garrison Wynn tells story after story of how perfectly normal and average people found the specific talent or advantage that helped them to succeed. By the end of the book, you will be listing your own talents, connections, and opportunities and starting to chart your own journey on the way to success. A good gift for a new college graduate? Absolutely!
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