The Power Presenter: Technique, Style, and Strategy from America's Top Speaking Coach Date: 28 April 2011, 06:46
The Power Presenter: Technique, Style, and Strategy from America's Top Speaking Coach By Jerry Weissman * Publisher: Wiley * Number Of Pages: 272 * Publication Date: 2009-02-03 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0470376481 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780470376485 Product Description Learn the successful presentation techniques used in over 500 IPO road shows and featured in The Wall Street Journal and Fast Company. Jerry Weissman is the presentations coach to Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and many of America?s top executives, including founding Yahoo CEO Tim Koogle, Intuit founder Scott Cook, Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings, and many others. The San Jose Mercury News says that Weissman?s IPO presentation coaching "is worth 10% on a company stock." Now America?s top coach reveals the same powerful strategies he teaches to CEOs in expensive private sessions. Learn why your body language and voice are more important than your words, how to present with poise and confidence naturally, and how to connect with any audience emotionally. Filled with illustrative case studies of Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, and many others, The Power Presenter will bring out the best in anyone who has to stand and deliver. "Readers of ?The Power Presenter? will have access to video clips referenced in the book". From the Inside Flap Capture your audiences with a powerful delivery style Presentation coach Jerry Weissman has spent twenty years teaching CEOs and other executives how to deliver successful, profitable IPO road shows. His clients credit Jerry?s presentation coaching with helping their companies earn higher stock prices and higher IPO valuations. Weissman?s strategies have worked for dozens of big–name business leaders, including founding Yahoo! CEO Tim Koogle, Intuit founder Scott Cook, and Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings. Now, The Power Presenter gives you the same effective technique, style, and strategy that executive teams from more than 1,000 companies have used to raise financing, sell products, propose partnerships, or seek approval for projects. Packed with case studies of famous power presenters—from Martin Luther King, Jr. to John F. Kennedy, from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama—this book shows you how to deliver a winning speech or presentation that will engage your audience from beginning to end. You?ll follow a seven–step plan for crafting your content into a compelling story. You?ll learn how to conquer your fear of public speaking and present with force and conviction, naturally. You?ll also learn how to speak with your body language, create empathy with your audience, and integrate your graphics design and animation with your delivery. For anyone who has to stand up and deliver, The Power Presenter is a master resource filled with proven techniques, practical tools, insightful wisdom, and illustrative, inspiring examples. Summary: Very Good Book on Public Speaking, With Some Reservations Rating: 4 This book is a good read, and it accomplishes it's main goal: to educate the reader on how to become a better, less fearful speaker. The author has a theory: that the WORDS of a speech are not as important as the speaker himself. In Weissman's opinion, a speaker's charisma counts for a great deal more than even the message he/she is trying to convey. I agree with the author to some extent, and he paints a very good argument for his belief. This book would be useful to anyone who is trying to cultivate a speaking job-- as an author, I find that marketing is becoming more and more my responsibility, and part of that includes speaking in person, at book fairs, in seminars, etc. The only drawback I saw in this book was the repeated back-patting and self-promotion. Authors must learn how to self-promote in order to be successful, but there's a fine line where this becomes excessive. But if you can get past the political jargon and the self-serving aspects, it's a very useful book. Christy Pinheiro, Author of: *The Step-By-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit* Summary: I can tell you that Jerry Weissman knows his stuff . . . his tips make a great deal of sense, and they work! Rating: 5 I don't know if Jerry Weissman is America's top speaking coach (as proclaimed on the cover of his book, THE POWER PRESENTER), but I can tell you that the guy knows his stuff . . . his tips make a great deal of sense, and apparently they work--as evidenced by the fact that he has worked with dozens of big-name business leaders, including founding Yahoo! CEO Tim Koogle, Intuit founder Scott Cook and Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings. What I liked best about THE POWER PRESENTER was its analysis of actual speeches by such notables as Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kenney and Ronald Reagan . . . but not only do you get to read what Weissman has to say, he then proceeds to the show actual clips (via a website that only purchasers of the book can get). Even if you're an accomplished public speaker, there's much in this book that you'll enjoy hearing Weissman's take on . . . for example, in speaking to a group, he advises: * Whenever you step up to the front of a room to present or speak, regardless of the size of the audience-4, 40, 400, or 4,000-pick one person. It doesn't matter who: the person who greeted you at the door, someone you know, someone you don't know, a friendly face or an unfriendly face. Pick only one person. And then to establish eye contact: * Every time you pick a person with whom to have a conversation, look at that person at least until you feel him or her look back at you. Feel the connection. Feel a click. Look that person straight in the eye. Establish sincerity. I also liked the special chapter, "What Every Speaker Can Learn from Barack Obama" . . . this one point really struck home: * Obama now tries to make a more personal connection with voters. In the past, he has been accused of making his campaign more about himself than about those who come to his rallies. Now the word "you" is mentioned as much as the word "I." "You're not heard. They're not listening to what you need," he told a crowd assembled at a rodeo site in Fort Madison on a recent evening. "You deserve a president who is thinking about you." That said, even if you're not aspiring to become President of the United States, there's much you'll benefit from by reading THE POWER PRESENTER . . . it would also make an ideal gift for anybody needing to improve his or her presentation skills. Summary: What Works and Why Rating: 5 If you search in Amazon for books on presentation skills, you'll find that there are 10,415 books from which to choose. There is no shortage of information on the topic. What is typical among them are formulaic approaches, many of which espouse the same old adages on body language, connection with your audience and reliance on the visual. While The Power Presenter addresses that which is tride and true, it also goes many steps further. Weissman dives deep into speech, showing WHY his recommendations work. He analyzes popular speeches (supported by video clips on his website) to demonstrate where and how good technique is being used. It becomes evident that becoming truly masterful at public speaking is as hard as any discipline -- there is a lot! to practice and perfect. The very tangible case studies and analyses makes it easy to quickly recognize what you are doing right (or wrong) in your own delivery. Furthermore, he addresses the end goal of speaking, i.e., making a profound impact. For instance, he tracked the speeches of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama in their contest for the Democratic nomination. When Obama shifted his speeches to use the word "you" more than the word "I", his popularity outpaced that of Clinton's. She, by the way, used the word "I" 35 times and the word "you" on
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