Date: 13 April 2011, 18:03
Kevin Hogan - The Persuasion Prophecy The Persuasion Prophecy: The Persuasion Interview Revealing the Future of Persuasion Now! with 'Persuasion Master' Kevin Hogan (8-Audio CDs) The Persuasion Prophecy: What happens when 4 brilliant Cutting-edge Thinkers interview the man some call the 'Master of Persuasion'? In one instance, they find out what persuasion will be all about in just five years...and it's a very different picture than it is now. The Persuasion Prophecy is just one pattern that will be prevalent in the coming years. After hundreds of hours of new research, Kevin has been able to voice just how it will work and how you can use it. The Persuasion Prophecy is perhaps one of the most powerful patterns that will predominate persuasion thought in the next decade. That alone would be enough. But then these 4 Brilliant Thinkers got 9-1/2 MORE hours of power from Kevin Hogan! Just when you thought you had it all in Science of Influence (Vol. 1-60), you find a different approach to persuasion than you had ever thought possible. New techniques, strategies and tactics for causing compliance quickly...and permanently... 10 HOURS non-stop on 8 Audio CD's Persuasion and... # The Seductive Side of Persuasion # Marketing Consensus Maps # Sexism # Women and Equality # Diversity and Race # Seduction # Selling # Home # Motivation # Management Covered in-depth and detail by the experts who ask the questions and often give penetrating insights themselves. If you could take Kevin Hogan's brain (the part that's been programmed for persuasion and influence in selling, marketing and influencing people) and put that chip in your brain, what would you be able to do? Within the space of a month, what would happen in business and in life that isn't now? How would everything be different? That's a disarming set of thoughts, isn't it? A goodly part of The Persuasion Prophecy is designed to do just that! And while persuasion is the watchword of the day, let there be no doubt that this is also a journey into the behaviors, attitudes, intentions and thoughts of a person whose brain has literally been programmed for persuasion. You'll get answers to the questions you've wanted to know because they are asked by leaders in the area you want to know. Even Kevin Hogan has a breaking point and through relentless questioning, some of Kevin's closest held strategies, techniques and personal thoughts on relationships, sexism, feminism, seduction, selling, marketing, productivity, and influencing your own kids come out in often blunt form. The Seductive Side of Persuasion Mark Ryan, Professional Speaker, Subliminal Expert and Holder of the #1 Self-improvement Podcast on the Internet. 2 years ago Mark interviewed Kevin and turned him "Inside Out." With a unique understanding of persuasion, having taught seduction, the most complex form of influence, he gets information from Kevin that Kevin has NEVER RELEASED to anyone, anywhere. In fact, Mark has culled from Kevin's brain material that Kevin told him two years ago, he'd, "probably never tell ANYONE!" Better? Mark gets all the "How-To" from Kevin using his NLP modeling skills. So many people who interview with Kevin are so fascinated by the What Happens, that they forget to ask, "How do I do that?" Mark knows better.... At the end of their 2-1/2 hours, Mark asked Kevin, "If people applied JUST what we talked about on these two CD's, what would happen in their lives? Would they become wealthy, happy, achieve their dreams?" Kevin's response. Pause. "Yes." EXTRAORDINARY and POTENT: Mark gets Kevin to explain why whether the woman in the bar goes out with the man asking her to dance is NOT up to her...or him. There's a third factor that is far more important, and it is negotiable. NO ONE anywhere has ever talked so openly about this before. You will learn how to be in total control of the sequence of what MUST happen or the woman will say "no" every time. Then Mark has Kevin bridge this discovery to selling and even touches on marketing. If the person isn't making up their own mind, just WHAT do we DO and WHO DO we talk to? POTENT: Mark is the first person to ever find out from Kevin, how what has happened to Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton will directly impact you and me. EXTRAORDINARY: For the first time ever, Mark gets Kevin to talk about a simple way to create Consensus Maps to make selling and marketing YOUR BUSINESS easy. If you know how to make a Consensus Map, it will be almost impossible for you to fail in selling or marketing. (In fact it MIGHT BE impossible completely.) That half hour alone is worth 1000+ times (really) the price of this program. Then Mark gets Kevin to explain the concepts of people's actual behavior, what people feel and what they think and why they are all so different. How do you persuade people when you aren't sure "which" person you're talking to?! Mark gets Kevin to elaborate on how to do: # Time Distortion # Changing Time Representation (Never discussed by ANYONE before) # Persuasion in Wonderland # Resistance Reduction # A Promo without a Money Back Guarantee for More Sales # Group Body Language # Master Idol Worship Mark goes after what unusual characteristics make up successful people, given that most of them are very persuasive. It turns out there is an always overlooked key factor. Kevin spills the proverbial beans here. EXTRAORDINARY: Then Mark finishes off with getting Kevin to give him one of his biggest secrets ever. The power to combine one strategy and one law of persuasion to make IRRESISTIBLE YOU. It's almost impossible to say "no" to you, when you combine these two facets of persuasion! Then Mark digs deep and at times profoundly for you. You're going to learn how to: # Discover Replication in Yourself and Others # Predict Behavior Once You Understand Replication # Powerful Synesthesia Pattern for Selling # Characteristics of Successful People of Influence # How to Deal with Criticism # Does the Picked On Kid Become the Next Millionaire? Persuasion for the Starving 'Sales' Man Al Duncan, Inspirational Speaker and writer for The Black Collegian magazine has spoken to over a half million people in the last three years. He currently works mostly with Colleges and Universities. Newly married and a parent, he asks Kevin questions about the influence of parents on their kids, and what are the most important influences on your children and grandchildren, in order. Parenting? Genetics? Teachers? Media? Friends? He asks questions about manipulating behavior with subliminal and supraliminal strategies. Is it ethical and if it is, just HOW can you practically do that at home and at the office? Al Duncan also takes Kevin deep on Self-Persuasion. Personal Motivation.... even more difficult than persuading others. Al digs out of Kevin - # What works in influencing your kids? # Most POWERFUL emotion in Persuasion # What are the most important motivators? # Can You Actually Attract Wealth? (Answer will surprise you, promise.) # Mirror Neurons and Persuasion # Why Do People Treat Strangers Better Than Loved Ones? # How to utilize pain, fear, anticipated regret in Persuasion # How to persuade ourselves to be all we can be # Most powerful COMBINATION of the Laws of Persuasion # How to monopolize on the "new decision making" being taught # The truth about affirmations # The FORMULA for Self Motivation # What KIND of goals should you set for self persuasion? PLUS: # How far out is a long-term goal? # How we can REALLY be more productive # Why almost everyone fails at just about everything they attempt to do and what can be done to correct it Up and Coming Demographic - Women in Business Michelle Drum-Matteson, Business Owner, Professional Speaker , digs deepest of all. You Won't MOVE for 2 1/2 hours.
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