Date: 14 April 2011, 07:06
I wasn't sure Elizabeth Kerner could write a sequel that would live up to the first, but she has. One of the best parts of "Song in the Silence" was the element of discovery, wonder, learning and new emotions. To my delight, I found everything that made the first book so entertaining in this book. Soon after Lanen and Varien are married, they must leave (not that Lanen would settle down anyway). The demonmaster Berys is still after her. The prophecy about "Marik of Gundar's blood and bone" means that Berys needs Lanen, and he will stop at nothing to get her. But, for all the darkness of the plot, "The Lesser Kindred" gives the reader a wide range of emotions. There are moments of fear, anger, joy, wonder, happiness, disgust and laughter. This is part of what makes this sequel so enjoyable. The beginning of the book is kind of slow for anyone who read the first book. The characters take a long time to conveniently remember everything that happened to them in the first book. After that, though, the plot and the rest of the book really take off. Elizabeth Kerner brings back the multiple first-person format of her first novel. This might interfere or cause confusion for some readers, but overall, it is a good device. The reader can see the characters thoughts and plans before they are revealed to the other characters. Lanen, Varien, Shikrar, Idai, Kedra, Berys, Jamie, Rella, Marik and Maikel return. The characters are developed further while staying within the personalities they showed in the first book. New characters, including more healers and more dragons, are introduced. The elements of Farspeech, soulgems, demons, healing, lansip and dragons also return. In all, I think this is a fabulous sequel. It doesn't stray from the ideas, rules and personalities of the first book, but it also has new and surprising revelations. And yes, it does have a cliffhanger ending. Never fear. Elizabeth Kerner is hard at work on the third book.
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