The Joy of Writing Sex: A Guide for Fiction Writers Date: 15 April 2011, 18:13
The author has explored sensuality in her own novels with great success. So, in The Joy of Writing Sex, she deftly covers all the issues head-on--from dealing with "internal consorts" to writing about sex in the age of AIDS. Accompanying her instruction are spirited opinions by John Updike, Joyce Carol Oates, Carol Shields, Russell Banks, and many other prestigious writers. Review: Even though writing about sex probably ranks on the joy scale somewhere between reading about it and having it, Elizabeth Benedict feels that many writers don't do justice to the act. So she has developed a novel idea: a guide book for fiction writers seeking to create better sex scenes. Benedict, a teacher in Princeton University's Creative Writing Program, doesn't concern herself with pornography but rather with a contention that sex scenes are pivotal in carrying the plot, story and character of some novels. Her point is emphasized through many interviews she conducted with authors on their experience with and views on writing about sex. Now, if she would only visit the film industry . . . Summary: Worth every cent. Buy it now. Rating: 5 This was book discusses writing about sex in an extremely helpful and coherent way. It is one of those books where you slap you head every few pages going 'why didn't I think of that?!'. I you have any interest in seriously writing about sex in erotica or just in straight literature, this is the book for you. Summary: The Joy of Writing Sex: a Review Rating: 5 The book arrive in excellent condition, like new. I have started reading it, and it is very entertaining and informative so far. Hopefully will help me in my own writing. The author, Elizabeth Benedict, collects writing samples of authors writing about sex, and talking about the topic in interviews with her. Summary: A Must Have for Any Fiction Writer! Rating: 4 Elizabeth Benedict's look at sex in fiction is not only a "how-to" book on making sex matter in a novel, it also includes a collection of novels and short stories that every writer should read. Benedict gives hot and steamy passages from some of the country's best authors and shows us why they are effective. Not only do these passages get us hot under the collar, but they also move the story. Sex is not meant as an instruction manual in fiction, to paraphrase Benedict. If one wants assistance in how a love scene (no matter how good or bad the lovers actually are) can move a story, it is a great piece of reading. It took me several months to read this book because after each chapter, I had to go back into stories I had written before and change them! Benedict is quite thought-provoking in her analysis. Also, she includes excerpts from famous authors and their views towards sex in their literature. Many different avenues towards sex are explored: the first time, recreational sex, gay sex, straight sex, married sex, adultery...the list literally goes on. Even though I have already read it once, it is still at my computer terminal in my office. I definitely suggest reading her book and the recommended books that are within it.
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