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The Fifth Witness: A Novel
The Fifth Witness: A Novel
Date: 09 April 2011, 12:20

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This engaging courtroom thriller is by far Mr. Connelly's best Lincoln Lawyer tale to date! This time Mickey Haller has jumped on the foreclosure bandwagon and is servicing clients who are about to lose their house. One of those clients is Lisa Trammel who has started a protest group that against her bank that garners national attention.
When the Bank Officer servicing Lisa's loan is murdered, Lisa is the prime suspect and it is up to Mickey to defend her. Through the handling of Lisa's mortgage case against the bank, Mickey knows that there were a lot of "fishy" practices going on and that Lisa may have been set up. The courtroom drama is intense and Mr. Connelly has the reader hooked on every sentence of the narrative.
Mr. Connelly also paints a picture of LAPD law enforcement (with the exception of Harry Bosch) working with "tunnel vision," meaning that once they have a possible suspect, they ignore all leads not related to the suspect and only pursue what will make a case against that suspect. This may in part be due to the economics of doing an investigation. The prosecution in this case seems to only be interested in seeing the accused go down and to discount any other "theories" of what may have occurred, especially if those paths may point to a different individual as the perpetrator of the crime.
Mr. Connelly also gives us more insight into Mickey's supporting team, especially his investigator Cisco. Mickey seems to have evolved from the "sleezy" lawyer we had seen in the first Lincoln Lawyer novel and is now a relentless pursuer of getting to the truth. There are also some surprises with Mickey's evolving "post-married" relationship with Maggie, his ex.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish and look forward to more Mickey stories!


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