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Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions
Date: 28 April 2011, 04:55

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Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions
By Gregory Koukl
* Publisher: Zondervan
* Number Of Pages: 208
* Publication Date: 2009-02-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0310282926
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780310282921
Product Description:
Tired of finding yourself flat-footed and intimidated in conversations? Want to increase your confidence and skill in discussions with family, friends, and coworkers? Gregory Koukl offers practical strategies to help you stay in the driver’s seat as you maneuver comfortably and graciously in any conversation about your Christian convictions.
Summary: Tools for clear thinking in general
Rating: 5
Tactics by Gregory Koukl provides very hands-on and practical wisdom that one needs when talking to all people, not just skeptics. It is also a toolbox for clear thinking in general.
Summary: Good starter to prove God
Rating: 4
this guy really communicates to me - i like his heart and his desire to improve the apologetic life of Christians. he's not deep enough or orignial enough to be on the top shelf, but if you have the time, he's spot on.
And all ye men of tender heart,
Forgiving others, take your part,
O sing ye! Alleluia!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,
Praise God and on Him cast your care!
Does God Exist?: The Debate Between Theists & Atheists
God Does Exist!: Defending the faith using presuppositional apologetics, evidence, and the impossibility of the contrary
Summary: A Book Every Christian Should Read
Rating: 5
A book that every Christian should read, Tactics is a fine solution to what many in the Church lack today - the ability to effectively communicate their faith to others.
Far too many times, Christians who desire to share their faith are simply ill-prepared when it comes to conversational skills. Although they might know what they believe and why they believe it, they don't know how to convey those beliefs to others. Consequently, Christians who seek to defend their faith (if they seek to defend their faith at all) will often find themselves either excessively zealous, overly cautious, or simply speechless, all of which ultimately render them ineffective for the cause of Christ.
The Christian who is confident but ill-prepared is likely to resort to defensive aggression, effectively turning the conversation into a war of words rather than an authentic discussion. The Christian who is overly passive and ill-prepared is likely to not take a firm enough stand on certain issues, opting instead to relativize their beliefs for the sake of agreement. And the Christian who is apathetic or ignorant to matters of faith is likely to be walked over, ignored, or avoid conversation altogether.
In any case, the ill-prepared Christian is ultimately ineffective as an "ambassador for Christ" (2 Cor. 5:20) who is called to "earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude 1:3).
In this book, Greg Koukl seeks to combat this problem as he teaches you how to:
- Initiate conversations effortlessly
- Present the truth clearly, cleverly, and persuasively
- Graciously and effectively expose faulty thinking
- Skillfully manage the details of dialogue
- Maintain an engaging, disarming style even under attack
In conclusion, Tactics is different from other apologetic works in that it doesn't teach you what to believe and why, but how to communicate those beliefs. It is a quick, yet enormously practical read that focuses on application over information, and is thus perfect for all ages and walks of life. Whether new to the faith or a seasoned theologian, every Christian can and should benefit from this practical guide. It will revolutionize your ability to communicate effectively for the cause of Christ.
Summary: Great practical guide
Rating: 4
Gregory Koukl has excellent insight and experience and has produced a really practical handbook. However, his 'tactics' need to be put it into practice to get the real benefits.
Summary: Strategy to be a good ambassador
Rating: 5
If you have heard of the apologetic tactics called Columbo, Sibling Rivalry, and Suicide, then you probably are familiar with Greg Koukl, the founder and president of the apologetic ministry called Stand to Reason.
Koukl, who is a frequent visitor to secular college campuses and the host of a weekly Southern California radio show, has dedicated his second book to providing strategies in dealing with philosophical objections proposed by nonbelievers. Needless to say, the tactics listed here can be effective without alienating the opponent.
About eight years ago, I invited Koukl to meet a relativistic professor who teaches philosophy at a Southern California Christian college. Within five minutes of their conversation, the professor--a friend of mine--was speechless and later admitted that he was impressed with Koukl's reasoning even though he disagreed.
One of my favorite tactics--and Koukl's too, since he spends half of the 200-page book describing it-- is called Colombo, named after the frumpy detective from the 1970s television movie series played by Peter Falk. Titling this the "queen mother of all tactics," Koukl makes good use of the Socratic method to take the offensive position by merely asking clarifying questions. Instead of telling others what they believe or attempting to answer every objection introduced by skeptics, why not let the opponents do their fair share by requiring them to support their viewpoints? Doing this, he says, allows the Christian ambassador to stay "in the driver's seat in conversations so you can productively direct the discussion, exposing faulty thinking and suggesting more fruitful alternatives along the way" (p. 24).
While many skeptics will not admit it, they are like the emperor with no clothes because their ideas have little to no substance. Having this nakedness exposed is not something many skeptics are used to, including college professors who are too often treated as god-like in their classrooms. In addition, token opposition offered by well-meaning Christians can often backfire in the cause of truth. It might not even be the Christian's lack of knowledge but rather weak tactics that hinder any possibility of a positive witness.
Using his tactics are not "manipulative tricks, slick ruses, or clever ploys," Koukl says, but they will help to "show people how foolish some of their ideas are" (p. 27). Instead of trying to embarrass the other person or show one's superiority, he says it is imperative that the Christian use gentleness and respect without resorting to spiritual wimpiness. Yet it is not just using clever tactics that wins a person to the side of truth, as Koukl takes the sovereignty of God quite seriously by calling it the "100% God and 100% man" principle. "We may plant the seeds or water the saplings," he writes, "but God causes whatever increase comes from our efforts" (p. 37).
In order to be effective, a person does not have to be overly religious-sounding, especially when issues such as abortion or evolution are brought up in a college classroom. Even if God, Jesus, and the Bible are not mentioned, this is "a step in the right direction when we help others think more carefully. If nothing else, it gives them tools to assess the bigger questions that eventually come up" (p. 83).
Other tactics provided include "Taking the Roof Off," "Steamroller," and "Trotting out the Toddler." Although not as much space is spent on these other tactics, plenty of information is supplied as well as realistic sample dialogues. For the tactics to be properly learned, however, practice and plenty of experience are necessary ingredients. They can and will work, as I have used many of these strategies with success during the past decade. Truly, a person doesn't need to go to law school to practice good thinking skills.
In addition to the book, Koukl has produced a two-DVD small group study calle


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