Secrets of Personal Authority Date: 15 April 2011, 06:41
John Alanis - Secrets of Personal Authority [6 CDs - WMA] "Secrets of Personal Authority: How to Get Other People—Especially Sexy Women—to Want to Do What You Want Them to Do" Here are the secrets I reveal on this remarkable recording: CD #1 The Truth About Authority—What Society Does NOT Want Men to Know * Why men are confused about what authority truly is… and why you continue to suffer the consequences, even though it’s not your fault * What authority is, what it is NOT… what society does not want you to know * How you can easily use authority to magnetically attract others (especially the women you desire), not chase them away like losers and jerks do * The unusual reason why you want to have authority instead of charisma * The two reasons why men fail with personal authority, and how to correct them quickly and easily * Why authority is a personal choice, and is yours for the taking to use whenever you desire (you can turn authority on or off at will when you know this simple secret) * How to generate “instant attraction” by simply “turning on” your personal authority (not one in a thousand men knows this neat little secret, but it can bring you as many women as you want as fast as you want) * Why you do NOT have to change “who you are” to use personal authority (a common fear among men, luckily it’s just not true) * Why “fake it ‘til you make it” is complete BS (and can get you in a lot of trouble) when it comes to personal authority * The truth about women and authority—and why the media, government and public school system has it all wrong * Why abuse is NOT authority and why it will backfire * Myths about authority that are holding you back from succeeding with women * Why and how any man can turn on his “natural authority” no matter your looks, age or income * The two types of authority—and which one you must use when attracting women… and why you must NOT use the other one * The story of two submarine captains… what made one “good” and the other “great?” * Why you must turn on your authority when attracting (and keeping) women, or risk being celibate for life * Why independent “feminist” women crave men with personal authority, and why they are truly frustrated with men (Warning: when you turn on your personal authority around these kind of women, you must be careful not to attract too many of them—imagine, a flock of feminists fighting over YOU!) * Why true authority is NOT controlling, abusive, or just plain mean (and why guys who try to use authority in this way always fail miserably) * Yes, nice guys really do finish last—here’s why, and how to instantly quit being “nice” in a way that drives women wild. [b]CD #2 How to Instantly Get Rid of Your Authority Killing Habits[/b] * How to instantly increase your personal authority by getting rid of these authority killing behaviors… how many of them are YOU guilty of? * The unusual reason why you must get rid of people in your life who have no personal authority (and why you must do it NOW) * How to avoid a psychotic relationship before it even gets started (Very few men know this secret, but it can save you a ton of misery—imagine, being able to “disqualify” a potential stalker, bitch, or gold digger 15 minutes after you meet her, not six months later) * Why it is important to get ‘round you people who are like you—and get rid of those who are not… and how to do this quickly, easily, and painlessly * The unusual—and necessary—characteristic all “masters of authority” have—do you have it too? If not, don’t worry, it’s easy to “turn on”… once you know this secret! * Why trying to impress a woman is the best way to turn her off! Most guys subconsciously do this, then wonder why they never get another date. * Discovered at last—what women really want! And you won’t believe how easy it is to give it to them. * The critical difference between abusive authority and real authority (most guys screw this up royally, chasing away women who want to be with them) * Why most people are liars and don’t even know it (and why, strangely enough, this is a HUGE opportunity for you to attract incredible women) * The truth about apologies and why you must never tolerate them (this flies in the face of what society teaches, and is a huge reason why men fail with women) * The unusual truth about “favors” and authority—it’s NOT what you think * What to do with moochers and freeloaders, and why you must always be on the look out for them * What to do—and not do—when you’re royally pissed off at a woman (and why you must be careful not to create an “authority crisis” that can follow you for years) * The subtle difference between self promotion and bragging—why one behavior creates authority, and why the other kills it. * The truth about “hollerin’ and screamin’ ” at people—when to use it, and more importantly, when not to (and why the most effective leaders rarely raise their voice) * Should you yell at a women? The answers may surprise you… * The worst thing you can ever do with any women—yet 99% of men always make this authority and attraction killing mistake (you’ve probably made it yourself—multiple times—in the past three days) * The one thing everyone hates, and you must avoid doing to them or they will hate you forever * The only situation you should ever argue about—and why every other situation where you argue kills your authority * The truth about dress and personal appearance when it comes to authority * The 13 authority killing behaviors and how to get rid of each and every one of them [b]CD#3 How to Create Your Own Unique Personal Authority[/b] * How to build your personal authority as fast or as slow as you want, to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged * The biggest component to personal authority—few people know it, fewer have it, even though it is simple and easy to do (you can instantly implement this secret) * The most pathetic statistic in the world—does it apply to you? * Why you must not tolerate people who lack this one simple skill * How to get people who have never met you to automatically confer authority on you * A surprising—yet important—way to get people to confer authority on you (it’s not what you think it is…) * The strange reason why humor plays a large role in authority * What to do when you’re pissed and aggravated… and how to use it to build your personal authority * Are you taking yourself too seriously and killing your authority? Here’s how to tell... * Does self deprecation build or diminish your authority? Discover the startling—and unexpected—answer * The truth about “positive thinking” and “motivation”-- is it BS, or is there something to it? * How to keep a true positive attitude when the world is going to hell all around you * The unexpected facial expression that instantly puts you in authority (and you can put this secret to work for you in less than five minutes) * Should you talk or listen to build your personal authority? The answer may surprise you * The power of positive—and relentless—self promotion * Secrets of personal appearance—how to be in authority without saying a word * Why everything that happens in your life (good or bad) is your fault, and why the person who has true authority revels in such knowledge * How to deal with other people’s screw-ups * How to build—or destroy—your reputation by doing t
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