Date: 02 June 2011, 06:59
"... You'll Discover How To Meet Women During The Day, Build Enormous Amounts Of Courage, And Have Sex Seven To Nine Times This Week! (Read On To Find Out More... Dear Friend, You can meet a Playboy Playmate of the Year, too. Which year? Well... I'll leave that up to you... But give me just three minutes of your time, and I'll prove to you - beyond the shadow of a doubt - that a date with a beautiful woman is in your immediate future. Even if you can't stand going out to bars or clubs. Sound fair? Then keep reading, because... "Here's How My Friend Brian Met, Dated And Slept With Miss October 200X... It's quite simple, to be honest. And by that, I mean he didn't do anything "flashy" or "advanced" at all. In fact, here's what he did, step by step: step1 Brian noticed the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen in his life. She was sitting in the corner of a small coffee shop, typing on her laptop... step2 Brian used a simple mental exercise to get over his "nerves," and sat down next to her. footsie My friend Brian talked to her for two to three minutes... and then... asked for her phone number. 2min The real "secret" comes after he got her phone number. Because... using a simple, three step "First Date Creation Exercise"... my friend Brian got this Playboy Playmate of the Year back into his apartment. They had sex. And they even dated for a few months. Bet you're a bit jealous, huh? Well then, you're in luck, because..." "When I Heard Brian's Story, I Asked Him To Tell Me Exactly How He Met This Playboy Playmate In A Downtown Coffeeshop... I got him on the phone. And he shared EVERYTHING! He told me about how he meets women during the day... exactly what happened with this Playboy Playmate of the Year... how he "warms up" before he talks to women (so he's sure to make a good first impression) - and more! The "mental trick" he uses to summon up courage to talk to women? "He told me exactly how he does it: It's a simple, two step technique that turns your paralyzing fear into just a few butterflies in your stomach. And you can use it to talk to beautiful women... take the fear out of asking your boss for a raise... stop a girl who's walking by you on the street... ... The only limit to what you can do with this technique is your own creativity. But that's not all: Brian also revealed a few techniques to meet women during the day that will blow your mind, once you start using them... including... "He Shared Some Incredible Secrets, Things I Didn't Even Know Were Possible... # HOW TO COMPLIMENT HER BODY without getting slapped in the face! The only way to praise what really caught your attention without sounding like a pig, revealed! (PLUS: How to make her blush, and get turned on from it...) # THAT NERVOUS FEELING you get when you talk to women in front of other people actually works in your favor! Here's how it "tames" the woman you're with... (Uses the same science Nike commercials and Presidential campaigns use...) # HOW TO PICK UP COLLEGE GIRLS - Grab your backpack, a laptop and head down to a coffeeshop near your closest campus. Strike up a conversation with pretty college coeds! (HINT: Here's what to say when she "calls you out" on not being a student.... # THE INSTANT FIRST DATE TECHNIQUE - How to have a first date with a woman just minutes after you meet her... and then... the three step date which always ends up in your bedroom! (Going from "Hi" to having sex with a woman becomes a simple matter of "going through the motions"... # WHEN TO MEET THE HOTTEST WOMEN - A full list of the three top places you're going to meet women during the day... and... when the hottest women will be there! Looking for young college women with tight bodies? Try going to campus between 12:00 and 1:30 pm on most weekend afternoons.. Brian reveals why, in his interview... (What two hour period do you think Brain met his Playboy Playmate during? He shares the two hours professional women are grabbing their coffee... and... it's not during their lunch break OR before work!) ... And our interview was just getting started.... "Not Only That: Brian Revealed How To "Have Sex Seven To Nine Times Every Week! Starting This Week! Without Ever Going To A Bar Or Club... With new, beautiful women, no less. In fact, Brian revealed his system for getting what he calls, "Same Day Lays." You may have guessed, based on the name, but here's exactly what a "Same Day Lay" is: step1 You make eye contact with a beautiful woman. step2 You stop her and say, “Hi” step3 You talk for a few minutes, then go on an “Instant First Date” (he gives you step by step instructions on how to do this, as well) You and her have sex, only two to five hours after you meet her. And the good news is any average guy like you or me can do this! Because my friend Brian isn't a looker (he's got short, scrubby red hair.) He's not even rich or in great shape... in fact... he's got a bit of a love handle and his only 'work' for the past three years has been as a student - digging through psychology textbooks. So believe me when I tell you... "Having Sex With Beautiful Women Can Be As Easy As Walking Down The Street, And Picking Her Out Of The Crowd... Picture this: You walk down the street, and every beautiful woman you see could end up in your bed, tonight. You simply pick and choose the woman or women you'd like to sample. Say you're in the mood for a red-headed woman, and one walks down the street towards you, in a crimson red dress... You step into her way, smile and make eye contact. She smiles back at you. And later that night, you toss her onto your bed, her breasts swaying as she hits the sheets. And she moans as you enter her for the very first time. It's all a science and a system, not "luck" or "magic." And it all hinges on just one 'trick' or 'secret' ... "Here's The 'Trick' Or The 'Secret' To Getting What Brian Calls 'Same Day Lays'... There are four "signs" women who want to have sex TODAY all show to men they like. You just need to know what they are. Brian tells you how to spot all four signs - and gives you specific examples of each. (Know this and you can pick a horny woman out of a crowd as if she was in heat.) Not only that, my friend Brian will also show you: # WHAT TO SAY, FOR SAME DAY LAYS - What you should say, if you want to get a woman in bed... These aren't tricks or techniques... I consider them "trade secrets!" (Including what Brian's Playmate of the Year told him about the PERFECT way to talk to gorgeous women...) # HOW TO USE "STICKY EYES" TO TURN WOMEN ON - Brian calls this type of eye contact, "sticky eyes" because you look at her just a moment too long... and it builds TONS of sexual tension.. (He reveals when to use this technique, how to do it and most importantly, WHERE on her face you need to look... # SHE WILL TURN HERSELF ON! One topic where everything she tells you will turn HERSELF on, more and more... (Talking about this interesting topic - which everybody has an opinion about - can turn her on for hours... without... you saying a single word!) ... And this is just a very small sample of the topics my friend Brian and I covered. Our interview was almost two hours long, after all... "Now, I'd Like To Give You My Friend Brian's Complete 'Meet Women During The Day' Toolkit. And I'm Willing To Bribe You... You see, the information Brian's going to show you will change your life for good. You'll never again have to go to a noisy bar or club if you don't want to. You'll meet quality women, not party girls who get drunk every night and sleep around. You'll have more - better - sex with gorgeous women (who look hot without their "bar faces" or makeup) And really, that's just the tip of the iceberg. HOWEVER! I know some of the things my friend Brian is going to teach you may sound "too good to be true," to you. So, I'd like to bribe you into listenin
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