Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Implementations and Applications, Second Edition Date: 06 May 2011, 20:01
Note: CD-ROM is not included. In recent years, significant advances in digital technology have led to the design and implementation of sophisticated algorithms, allowing accurate real-time processing of signals. Real-time digital signal processing (DSP) is of increasing importance in today's engineering fields because of the demand for high performance, low-cost digital signal processors in many applications from digital cellular phones and high-speed Internet access, to image processing, and multimedia streaming. Fully revised and updated, Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Implementations and Applications, Second Edition takes a wholly practical approach, providing essential information on real-time principles, DSP algorithm development, and system design and implementation. With eight new chapters analyzing the latest DSP applications, this book also includes a wealth of exercises, laboratory experiments and programming examples using MATLAB, C, and assembly languages for Texas Instrument's TMS320C55xx processor. Key features: * Focuses on effective software development process from algorithm design and validation, to floating-point evaluation, fixed-point simulation, C55xx intrinsics, and code optimization with efficient assembly language implementation. * Describes widely used DSP applications such as DTMF generation and detection, echo cancellation, noise reduction, speech coding, channel coding, audio processing, and image processing. * Introduces Texas Instrument's Code Composer Studio, and C5510 DSK hardware for DSP application development, evaluation, debugging and testing. * Examines the design and analysis of DSP algorithms using MATLAB Graphic User Interface (GUI) tools. * Tests and evaluates the DSP applications using MATLAB Link for CCS tools with C5510 DSK hardware. * Includes an accompanying CD with many MATLAB examples, C and C55xx programs for hands-on DSP experiments. This book is a valuable, leading-edge resource for electrical and computer engineering students taking courses in digital signal processing who need up-to-date information on the technology. It is also a useful reference for practising engineers and researchers involved in the creation of real-time DSP applications. About the Author Sen M. Kuo, Northern Illinois University, is a professor and chair at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Northern Illinois University. He has written over 150 technical papers and was the lead author on the books Active Noise Control Systems (Wiley 1996), Real Time Digital Signal Processing (1st Edition) (Wiley 2001) and the forthcoming Digital Signal Processors (Prentice Hall 2005). Bob H. Lee, Business Development and Marketing, Ingenient Technologies, Inc., he is a senior member of IEEE with over 18 years of industrial experience at Texas Instruments, Motorola and US Robotics. Wenshun Tian, Department of R&D, UT Starcom, Inc., he has over 16 years of industrial experience in telecommunications and semiconductors and has written over 15 technical papers in the field of telecommunications, digital audio, speech processing and DSP implementations. PassWord:
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