Principles of Quantum Mechanics Date: 26 April 2011, 01:59
Summary: ...And still running Rating: 5 I will be bold:there are three outstanding books to which we can recur for a really deep question in Quantum Mechanics:Dirac's "Principles...", Kramers' "Quantum Mechanics" and Pauli's "General Principles of Quantum Mechanics". I will perhaps astonish you by saying that, of the three, Pauli's is the most authoritative. This matches the fact that Wolfgang Pauli was, for many decades, "the conscience of Physics", the oracle, we could say, were it not for the fact that he spoke a very direct language. One went to Pauli to know his reaction to one's "genial" idea. More often than not he demolished the thing. This happened to luminaries like Victor Weisskopf, Uhlenbeck and Gousmit and, yes, Heisenberg! It's a slim book. Actually it first appeared as a chapter of the famous Handbuch der Physik, in German, of course. The translation is fine, but a little IS lost of the author's style. It is an advanced book. You should read it after some good textbook, like Liboff or Griffiths. It will give you organization and perspective. But even if you read Landau's (and Lifshitz') "Quantum Mechanics", you would take profit of it. For you could compare two great masters in action. Pauli's treatment of Dirac equation is superb, and became the standard, including the notation. This is a classic. The very fact that it is still being sold gives me hope. Pauli General Principles of Quantum Mechanics - Translated by P. Achuthan and K. Venkatesan Only about seven years after quantum mechanics obtained its final form W. Pauli, himself one of the most active and most critical pioneers of the new theory, wrote this classic. He revised it in 1958 for the Enclyclopedia of Physics and it was this version from which this translation was made. More than any other book on quantum mechanics this text works out its foundations, which explains the continuing interest of the physics community in this book. For their historical value the translators included also the sections on quantum electrodynamics from the 1933 edition. The original German edition of this work was published under the title : Handbuch der Physik, Vol.5 Part 1 : Prinzipen der Quantentheorie I, 1958 The tenth chapter of this book is translated from Part B, Sections 6-8 of Pauli's article in : Handbuch der Physik, Vol.24, Part 1, 1933, edited by H. Geiger and K. Scheel.
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