Olympic Weightlifting Program Retail DVD Date: 23 May 2011, 02:26
Don’t be fooled into thinking that strength has nothing to do with athletic performance. In fact, all factors being equal, A STRONGER MUSCLE IS A FASTER MUSCLE TOO. So regardless of whether you train in the Combat Arts like MMA, Muay Thai, Boxing, Grappling (like most readers of this site) or just football basketball, or anything like that – being stronger and more explosive in key areas of the body can make a dramatic plus in your performance – even making the difference between victory and defeat. This means that if you are at all wanting to IMPROVE YOUR POWER, INCREASE YOUR OVERALL STRENGTH, JUMP HIGHER, KICK HARDER, PUNCH HARDER, or anything that involves moving fast and strong – you have GOT TO PAY ATTENTION to what you can learn from this course!! It really doesn’t matter what sport or physical acitivity you are into – this is the PERFECT CHANCE for becoming a STRONGER and MORE PHYSICALLY DOMINATING HUMAN BEING. GET STRONGER, LEANER, FASTER & HIT HARDER!!! If You’re Serious About Any of These… Read On! Adam Rozmenoski: Adam Rozmenoski CSCS: Head Strength Coach at the Safe Weightlifting and Athletic Strength Center in Rochester, MN. Meet an athletic power specialist. Adam Rozmenoski CSCS is an expert Olympic Weightlifting coach, certified strength and conditioning specialist and is the head strength coach at the Safe Weightlifting and Athletic Strength Center in Rochester, MN. A competitive lifter himself, Adam has placed 7th in the nation in tournaments Adam is experienced with helping athletes of all sports and walks of life get the results they are looking for. The SWSC is an exceptional training facility geared for athletes age 12 through adults, who want to experience, scientifically based training and tangible results. He’s poured a load of knowledge into Stonger Than An Ox: Olympic Weightlifting Course. The course you see listed below is the same material that Adam trains his clients with everday and now he’s making it available to you. Now is your chance to train with this expert strength and conditioning coach! What You Need To Know About Forging Your Body Into an Athletic Power Monster Are you currently “in the dark” about how to make your weight training useful and functional”? If you do nothing else, you ABSOLUTELY MUST STOP DINKIN’ around with those stupid routines from the popular “bodybuilding” magazines. The advice in those “STEROID PUFF BOY” picture books are very probably NOT for you and if you have ever tried them you know that they FLAT OUT FAIL TO DELIVER THE GOODS! You probably don’t have a whole lot of time to waste on routines that were not written for you and are not really designed to increase your strenght in the key areas needed for increased athleticism. WARNING: Only the right type of weight training will help you MAKE THE VITAL CONNECTION BETWEEN WEIGHTROOM STRENGTH AND ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE! Just getting “bigger” aint’ gonna do it. You need to get stronger in the right areas and in the right way. This can only be done through power producing exercises done in the weightroom. Olympic weightlifting is one of the best kept secrets for improving your overall physical abilities. If you are a martial artist you will be able to kick harder, body slam harder, punch with more power, shoot in for a takedown with much more speed or simply LIFT YOUR OPPONENT HIGH INTO THE AIR and knock the wind right out of them with a bad ass throw. Discover the Single Most Important Truth About Weightlifting For Athletic Performance “Functional” weightlifting is the kind of training that helps you to DO something. Throw a ball, jump over something, slam a dude to the ground, explode out of a submission, or whatever. Whatever your needs in athletics, you need to do it hard and do it fast! Functional weightlifting aims at just that – developing directed strength – power in those important movements. This is totally different than just building muscle for muscle’s sake! It’s not the kind of thing for just standing around and staring at yourself in the mirror or acquiring useless muscle mass that does nothing but slow you down, impede your coordination, and put an unnecessary burden on you heart! Let’s be straight up about this. This is a SCIENTIFICALLY BASED ATHLETIC STRENGTH TRAINING COURSE – it’s about building strong ATHLETES – of ANY AGE! The lifts this course focuses on are explosive movements, that will help generate power during the execution of many sports. This course also teaches other auxiliary exercises that will also help create the best possible result for all athletes of all ages. Here Are 4 Good Reasons Why You Should Be Doing Olympic Weightlifting: Olympic Weightlifting is Safe: FALLACY EXPOSED: “WEIGHTLIFTING IS BAD FOR YOUR BACK” This is a false assumption that is spread through ignorance. On the contrary, several studies have demonstrated that Olympic weightlifting is the SAFEST FORM OF RESISTANCE TRAINING THERE IS. One test looked at the injury potential and safety factor of different weightlifting movements and Olympic WEIGHTLIFTING CAME OUT TO BE THE SAFEST! Another study showed the FALLACY that weightlifting is bad for the back. A recent study showed that only 23% of weightlifters experienced back pain compared to a higher 31% of normal active men that experienced back pain as well. Yet another study looked at injuries per 100 hours of training and AGAIN,: OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING WAS FOUND TO BE SAFER THAN OTHER FORMS OF RESISTANCE TRAINING. In fact, the injury rate for weightlifters WAS LESS THAN HALF OF OTHER TYPES OF WEIGHT TRAINING! From studies like these, it is clear that Olympic Weightlifting is a HIGHLY SAFE method of working out. Sources: Granhed, H. et al. Low back pain among retired wrestlers and heavyweight lifters. The American Journal of Sports Medicine,16(5):530-533. 1988, Hamill, B. Relative Safety of Weightlifting and Weight Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 8(1):53-57. 1994 Stone, M.H. Muscle conditioning and muscle injuries. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 22(4):457-462. 1990, Stone, M. H., A. C. Fry, M. Ritchie, L. Stoessel-Ross, and J. L. Marsit. Injury potential and safety aspects of weightlifting movements. Strength and Conditioning. June: 15-21. 1994. Olympic Weightlifting Provides Amazing Body Composition Effects: OLYMPIC LIFTING INVOLVES NEARLY EVERY MUSCLE IN THE HUMAN BODY! And that means a GREAT WORKOUT FOR YOU. The reason is that Olympic weightlifting activates the stabilizer muscles when lifting overhead. Working so many muscles at once is GREAT FOR CUTTING DOWN ON EXERCISE TIME. Also, there was another 8 week study which showed that participants training in Olympic weightlifting LOWERED THEIR RESTING HEART RATE by a WHOPPING 8%, INCREASED THEIR LEAN BODY MASS BY 4%, BODY FAT DROPPED A HUGE 6%, and SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE WENT DOWN 4%! Olympic weightlifting not only is a safe way to get stronger, you’re whole body will get in great shape too! (Source: Stone, M.H., et al. Cardiovascular Responses to Short-Term Olympic Style Weight-Training in Young Men. Can. J. Appl. Sport Sci. 8(3): 134-9) Olympic Weightlifting Increases Athletic Ability: OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING TRAINS THE BODY TO FIRE ALL THE MUSCLE FIBERS AT ONCE – BUILDING EXPLOSIVE POWER! We said this earlier, but here is proof! An 8 week study was done looking at the Olympic lifts and their ability to improve the vertical jump and overall sports performance. When compared to the control group (that did only jumping exercises) the Olympic Weightlifting group had significantly out performed the control group. The Secret “Performance Enhancing” Side of Olympic Weightlifting Olympic weightlifting is one of the best exercises you can do for increasing athletic performance. Why? The secret lies in training the “triple extension”. Training the “TRIPLE EXTENSION” is the critical movement that is desparately
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