Information about the game
Title: Lineage 2 Under World x500
Released: 2010
Tablet: Not required
Language: Russian + English
File format: rar
Developer: NCsoft Corporation
Publisher: NCsoft Corporation
Size: 3.52 GB
On the game: Lineage II - a multiplayer game of last generation. The game can simultaneously engage several thousand characters controlled by human beings. Medieval, fantastic world full of wonders and dangers, monsters and heroes will be opened to you. During the game your character gained experience and become available to him new skills, weapons and spells. In your will to be a magician or a warrior, spending time in combat with monsters or plunge into the world of politics clans. In Lineage II, you can participate in battles with dragons, when only concerted action by the team of several dozen people can guarantee success, will be able to besiege castles or be in the ranks of the defenders of the walls, to get his own fledgling dragon and raise it to ogromnogo letayuschego monster on his back which smozhete fly on mipu.
Perhaps all this were not so exciting, if not the latest technology three-dimensional graphics.
Here are some of the game developers themselves: - "Our goal was to develop a realistic three-dimensional world, where nature, monsters, your characters and battles look so realistic as possible. Particular attention was paid to the development of the huge siege weapons and scenes that make them quite detailed, and compete with other games. achieved the level of detail allows you to focus more on the strategic side of the game: you can fit in strategic points of defense, or even see the battle from the bird's flight, riding on a flying dragon. All of these exciting scenes were created with the latest achievements in the world of 3D ... "
In the center of the world's Lineage II, which covers two large continents, there are three major kingdoms. Aden, the new kingdom was established after Raoul, the young king successfully quenched a civil war. Elmore, the military superpower located in the northern part of the continent. She - a direct descendent of ancient Elmore. Gracia is located across the ocean to the west. It is now, the flame of war for the throne. But power is unstable, within each kingdom since each manor wants independence from the king. This is the cause of instability within the kingdom.
You find yourself in this chaos. In Lineage II, developing your character - not the ultimate goal. Rather, it is used as a tool to gain power. Become a king and the law in this world. Your own hand will write your story.
Minimum system requirements:
* Operating System: Windows В® XP / Vista / Seven
* Processor: Intel В® Pentium В® 4 2.0 GHz
* RAM: 1024 MB
* Hard disk: 10GB
* Video / audio: NVIDIA В® FX 5700 or ATI T Radeon В® 9600 video card (or higher), DirectX В® 9.0c
* Internet: 56 Kbps (or higher)
Game Client is configured on the server of server:
Rates of:
Exp / SP - x500
Adena - x10
Drop - x100
Drop Spoil / Quest - x100
RaidDrop - x100
EpicRaidDrop - x1
* Automatic Registration - Registration in the game world is done automatically, you just need to enter your login and password after you upgrade the client from our site.
* Unique Weapons / Armor - Only on our server, you can get a unique weapon or armor, surpassing any weapon / armor in the world of Lineage 2.
* Unique skills - Only on our server you can learn the unique skills for all races, feel the urging force of a favorite class. Also, only we have the unique skills to the Summoner class that will increase the popularity of this class.
* Continuous development - you will always play the newest version of the game.
* Stability - the server has high stability at any load in the game.
* Security - we securely protect the database server from the impacts from outside.
* Organization - Administration of the project does not interfere with gameplay (except for the violations described in the rules).
* Master Class - you can get the quest and get a profession for your character, but you can also buy it from class-master in the game.
* Mobs-champions - if there are mobs in the world to mutate into a reinforced modification. The difference between these monsters - they have the name written in Unit X. These mobs have high HP, attack power, speed, attack - but give a lot of experience and skill points, as well as the opportunity to get Coin of Luck. The likelihood of such a mob of 10%.
* Subclasses without a quest - for a subclass you should not do this quest. You can take the appropriate main class subclasses from end GrandMaster's.
* Up to 6x subclasses! - Each game server class can receive up to 6 subclasses, takes into account the needs of race Kamael (allowed classes Hawkeye, SilverRanger, PhantomRanger).
* Correct the subsystem of the mobs loot and RB.
* Certification subclass of all skills.
* Customizable Avtolut - Each player himself if desired, enable / disable option avtoluta, you simply type in the console command. Autolooton.
* Unique grinding - Excessive interest sharpening weapons and uniforms, bonus to HP at sharpening sets the maximum level of sharpening +50.
* Maximum full GMShop - convenient GMShop, which you can use anywhere in the world Lineage 2 just by clicking "Alt + B".
* Lack of Charges - Just before our server, you can put any "Grade" at any level of character and you do not get a penalty, and no limits reinstalled.
* Baffer always with you - by pressing Alt + B, you can use the services baffera, as we have not forgotten about pets, baffer works on them.
* Automatic maximum level of the clan - after creating the clan automatically during the day your clan gets the maximum level without the need to carry out quests, etc.
* The attribute system - only to our server, you can inspire to +450 attribute in arms and 240 in the armor.
* Unique InWEnt "Kill the Hero" - anyone who plays on the server can become a target for the entire server, whose main task of staying alive. Great prizes and gifts.
* Wings - only on our server have the opportunity to wear the wings, which serve not only the enhancement, but also give a fairly large bonuses.
* Free barefoot - on the server no penalty in terms of bosses. Any level can kill any level boss.
* Auto learning skill - is unnecessary to spend more time examining each skill, now all study skills automatically.
* Colour nickname - make the world a little gray in color, easy color change character's name with one click, find the nearest manager:)
* Wedding in a unique position - only here on a server running a unique system of marriage, all play a pair formed an alliance are able to use unique skillam intended precisely to obtain maximum benefit and all the advantages of marriage on our server.
* Unique Instincts - What is instinct? Additional skills which can be obtained from NPC Catrina with payment for Blessed Feather. Ability makes it possible to get to 8 seconds, the positive effects greatly increases the characteristics of the character.
* On the server 12 test areas "to obtain materials for the purchase of" Under World ". To start the test you need to create a party of at least 3 characters. The test begins after a conversation with one of the NPC located "Gludio Air Field".
* Unique "adversary (Resets)"
1. Start the installation with the file la2_ud_setup.exe
2. Run from the shortcut on the desktop.
3. On the server, automatic registration, simply enter the username and password.

-------------I'm RGP-------------
If you like my thread, please replay to keep topic live.
Thanks for download. ^^
Best regard!