Free Waves Plugins (2010) Date: 26 March 2011, 05:51
Waves Plugins (2010) | 546 Mb Waves - a set of qualitative and perhaps most noteworthy that the most expensive plug-in processing. This kit has everything you need for mastering and audio information! Compressors, equalizers, maximizers, limiters, plug-ins for analysis, processing plugins vocals, guitar, drums and much more. This bundle includes all available plugins from this company and probably covers virtually the entire spectrum of needs of a sound engineer and mastering engineer. Plug this company conventionally divided into the following categories: Waves Modeling, Signature Series, Compressors, Gates, DeEssers, Limiters, Equalizers, Reverbs & Delays, Effects, Surround, Restoration, Vocal, Pitch & Time, Meters, Stereo Imaging, MaxxBass. Program Title: Waves Plugins Year: 2010 Program Version: Developer: Waves Platform: Windows Language: English Tablet: Not required File Size: 546 Mb System requirements: * Processor Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz, AMD Athlon 64 or equivalent; * RAM 1 GB on XP, 2 GB on Vista / Windows 7; * Operating System WinXP 32-bit SP2 & SP3, Vista Business 32-bit SP1, Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP1, Windows July 1932-bit; * Screen Resolution 1024x768 32-bit. Waves offers DAE, AudioUnit, and VST plugins for Digidesign Pro Tools, Steinberg Cubase & Nuendo, Apple Logic Pro, Ableton Live, and other popular DAWs. From equalizers, reverbs, and compressors to limiters, noise reduction, and surround sound, Waves has the audio software plugins for you. With over 100 stellar processors and over 250 component plugins, Complete features more Waves in one package than ever before! Waves Version 7 represents the latest step in the evolution of Waves. With improved compatibility across the board, enhanced DAW and OS support, and a host of new features, V7 will take your Waves experience to new heights. There's never been a better time to update! From time-domain effects to equalizers, from dynamics control to noise reduction, from guitar sound modeling to the sound of classic analog components, there has never been such a comprehensive collection as this. The Mercury Collection offers more effects, more channel components, more mixdown tools, more processors than ever before in one place. Full list of plugins: Amp 2Cab Mono Amp M>S Amp Mono Amp Stereo API 550A Mono API 550A Stereo API 550B Mono API 550B Stereo API 560 Mono API 560 Stereo API 2500 Stereo AudioTrack Mono AudioTrack Stereo Axx Press Mono Axx Press Stereo Bass Pitcher Mono Bass Pitcher Stereo Buzz Mono Buzz Stereo C1-Comp Mono C1-Comp Stereo C1-Comp-Gate Mono C1-Comp-Gate Stereo C1-CompSideChain Mono C1-CompSideChain Stereo C1-DLA Mono C1-DLA Stereo C1-Gate Mono C1-Gate Stereo C-360 5 to 5 C-360 5.1 to 5.1 C4 Mono C4 Stereo C6 Mono C6 Stereo C6 SideChain Mono C6 SideChain Stereo Center Stereo Chorus M>S Chorus Mono Chorus Stereo CLA-2A Mono CLA-2A Stereo CLA-3A Mono CLA-3A Stereo CLA-76 Blacky Mono CLA-76 Blacky Stereo CLA-76 Bluey Mono CLA-76 Bluey Stereo CLA Bass M>S CLA Bass Stereo CLA Drums M>S CLA Drums Stereo CLA Effects M>S CLA Effects Stereo CLA Guitars M>S CLA Guitars Stereo CLA Unplugged M>S CLA Unplugged Stereo CLA Vocals M>S CLA Vocals Stereo Compressor Mono Compressor Stereo DeBreath Mono Delay M>S Delay Mono Delay Stereo Distortion Mono Distortion Stereo DLA Mono DLA Plus Mono DLA Plus Mono DLA Plus Stereo DLA Stereo DLA-X DLA-XL DLA-XLB Doppler M>S Doppler Stereo Dorrough Mono Dorrough Stereo Dorrough Surround 5.0 Dorrough Surround 5.1 Doubler 2 M>S Doubler 2 Mono Doubler 2 Stereo Doubler 4 M>S Doubler 4 Mono Doubler 4 Stereo Doubler M>S Doubler Mono Doubler Stereo Eddie Kramer Bass Channel Mono Eddie Kramer Bass Channel Stereo Eddie Kramer Drum Channel Mono Eddie Kramer Drum Channel Stereo Eddie Kramer Effects Channel M>S Eddie Kramer Effects Channel Stereo Eddie Kramer Guitar Channel M>S Eddie Kramer Guitar Channel Stereo Eddie Kramer Vocal Channel M>S Eddie Kramer Vocal Channel Stereo Enigma M>S Enigma Stereo EQ Mono EQ Stereo Flanger M>S Flanger Mono Flanger Stereo Fuzz Mono Fuzz Stereo Gate Mono Gate Stereo Gate/Comp Mono Gate/Comp Stereo GTR Amp Mono GTR Amp Dual Cab Mono GTR Amp Mono to Stereo GTR Amp Stereo H-Comp Mono H-Comp Stereo H-Delay Mono H-Delay M>S H-Delay Stereo IDR360 5.1ch IDR360 5ch IR-1 Efficient Stereo IR-1 Full Stereo IR-1 M>S IR-1 Mono IR-360 Efficient Discrete 5.1 to 5.1 IR-360 Efficient Discrete 5ch to 5ch IR-360 Efficient Stereo to 5 Channel Discrete Surround processor IR-360 Efficient Stereo to 5 Channel Sound Field IR-360 Full Stereo to 5 Channel Sound Field IR-360 Mono to 5 Channel Discrete Surround processor IR-360 Mono to 5 Channel Sound Field IR-360 Sound Field 5.1 to 5.1 IR-360 Sound Field 5ch to 5ch IR-L Efficient Stereo IR-L Full Stereo IR-L M>S IR-L Mono JJP Bass Stereo JJP Bass M>S JJP Bass Mono JJP Cymbals & Percussion Stereo JJP Cymbals & Percussion M>S JJP Drums Stereo JJP Drums M>S JJP Drums Mono JJP Guitars Stereo JJP Guitars M>S JJP Keys & Strings Stereo JJP Keys & Strings M>S JJP Vocals Stereo JJP Vocals M>S Kramer HLS Channel Stereo Kramer HLS Channel Mono Kramer PIE Compressor Stereo Kramer PIE Compressor Mono L1 Ultramaximizer Stereo L1 Ultramaximizer Mono L2 Ultramaximizer Stereo L3 Multimaximizer Stereo L3 Ultramaximizer Stereo L3-16 Multimaximizer Stereo L3-LL Multimaximizer Stereo L3-LL Multimaximizer Mono L3-LL Ultramaximizer Stereo L3-LL Ultramaximizer Mono L-360 5 To 5 L-360 5.1 To 5.1 LayD M>S LayD Mono LayD Stereo LFE360 5.1 to 5.1 LFE360 Mono LinEQ Broadband Mono LinEQ Broadband Stereo LinEQ Lowband Mono LinEQ Lowband Stereo LinMB Mono LinMB Stereo LoAir Mono LoAir Stereo LoAir 5.0-to-5.1 LoAir 5.1-to-5.1 M-360 Manager 5 to 5 M-360 Manager 5 to 5.1 M-360 Manager 5.1 to 5.1 M-360 Mixdown 5 to 5 M-360 Mixdown 5.1 to 5.1 Maserati ACG M>S Maserati ACG Stereo Maserati B72 Mono Maserati B72 M>S Maserati B72 Stereo Maserati DRM Mono Maserati DRM Stereo Maserati GRP Mono Maserati GRP Stereo Maserati GTi M>S Maserati GTi Stereo Maserati HMX M>S Maserati HMX Stereo Maserati VX1 M>S Maserati VX1 StereoMaxxBass Mono MaxxBass Stereo MetaFlanger M>S MetaFlanger Mono MetaFlanger Stereo MondoMod M>S MondoMod Mono MondoMod Stereo Morphoder M>S Morphoder Mono Morphoder Stereo MV2 Mono MV2 Stereo MV360 5.0 to 5.0 MV360 5.1 to 5.1 Octaver Mono Octaver Stereo Reverb Mono Reverb M>S Reverb StereoVolume Pedal Mono Volume Pedal Stereo OverDrive Mono OverDrive Stereo Panner M>S Panner Stereo PAZ - Analyzer Stereo PAZ - Frequency Mono PAZ - Frequency Stereo PAZ - Meters Mono PAZ - Meters Stereo PAZ - Position Stereo Phaser M>S Phaser Mono Phaser Stereo Pitcher Mono Pitcher Stereo PS22 Split M>S PS22 Split Stereo PS22 Spread M>S PS22 Spread Stereo PS22 Spread(10) M>S PS22 Spread(10) Stereo PS22 X-Split M>S PS22 X-Split Stereo PuigChild 660 Mono PuigChild 670 Stereo PuigTec EQP-1A Mono PuigTec EQP-1A Stereo PuigTec MEQ-5 Mono PuigTec MEQ-5 Stereo Q1 - Paragraphic EQ Mono Q1 - Paragraphic EQ Stereo Q2 - Paragraphic EQ Mono Q2 - Paragraphic EQ Stereo Q3 - Paragraphic EQ Mono Q3 - Paragraphic EQ Stereo Q4 - Paragraphic EQ Mono Q4 - Paragraphic EQ Stereo Q6 - Paragraphic EQ Mono Q6 - Paragraphic EQ Stereo Q8 - Paragraphic EQ Mono Q8 - Paragraphic EQ Stereo Q10 - Paragraphic EQ Mono Q10 - Paragraphic EQ Stereo Q-Capture Mono Q-Clone Mono Q-Clone Stereo R-360 5 to 5 R-360 Compact 5.1 to 5.1 R-360 Compact Mono to 5 R-360 Compact Mono to 5.1 R-360 Compact Stereo to 5 R-360 Compact Stereo to 5.1 R-360 Mono to 5 R-360 Mono to 5.1 R-360 Stereo to 5 R-360 Stereo to 5.1 RenAxx Mono RenAxx Stereo RenBass Mono RenBass Stereo RenChannel M>S RenChannel Mono RenChannel Stereo RenComp Mono RenComp Stereo RenDeEsser Mono RenDeEsser Stereo RenEQ-2 Mono RenEQ-2 Stereo RenEQ-4 Mono RenEQ-4 Stereo RenEQ-6 Mono RenEQ-4 Mono RenEQ-6 Stereo RenReverb Compact M>S RenReverb Compact Stereo RenReverb M>S RenReverb Stereo RenVox Mono RenVox Stereo RenReverb M>S RenReverb Mono RenReverb Stereo S1-Imager Stereo S-360 Imager Stereo to 5.1 S-360 Panner Mono to 5 S-360 Panner Mono to 5.1 S-360 Panner Stereo to 5 S-360 Panner Stereo to 5.1 SoundShifter Graphic Mono SoundShifter Graphic Stereo SoundShifter Parametric Mono SoundShifter Parametric Stereo SoundShifter Pitch Mono SoundShifter Pitch Stereo Spring M>S Spring Mono Spring Stereo Stomp2 M>S Stomp2 Mono Stomp2 Stereo Stomp4 M>S Stomp4 Mono Stomp4 Stereo Stomp6 M>S Stomp6 Mono Stomp6 Stereo SuperTap 2-Taps Mod M>S SuperTap 2-Taps Mod Mono SuperTap 2-Taps Mod Stereo SuperTap 6-Taps Mod M>S SuperTap 6-Taps Mod Mono SuperTap 6-Taps Mod Stereo SuperTap 6-Taps Mono SuperTap 6-Taps Stereo Tone Mono Tone Stereo TransX Multi Mono TransX Multi Stereo TransX Wide Mono TransX Wide Stereo TrueVerb M>S TrueVerb Mono TrueVerb Stereo Tuner Mono UltraPitch 3-Voice M>S UltraPitch 3-Voice Mono UltraPitch 3-Voice Stereo UltraPitch 6-Voice M>S UltraPitch 6-Voice Mono UltraPitch 6-Voice Stereo UltraPitch Shift M>S UltraPitch Shift Mono UltraPitch Shift Stereo UltraPitch-DLA Mono UltraPitch-DLA Stereo UM225 Stereo to 5.0 UM226 Stereo to 5.1 Vibrolo Mono Vibrolo Stereo Vocal Rider Mono Vocal Rider stereo Volume Pedal Mono Volume Pedal Stereo WahWah Mono WahWah Stereo Waves Tune Mono W43 Mono W43 stereo WNS Mono WNS stereo X-Click Mono X-Click Stereo X-Crackle Mono X-Crackle Stereo X-Hum Mono X-Hum Stereo X-Noise Mono X-Noise Stereo Z-Noise Mono Z-Noise Stereo
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