Free Art Vista Virtual Grand Piano VSTi DXi RTAS AU HYBRiD DVDR DYNAMiCS Date: 18 March 2011, 12:07
Art Vista Virtual Grand Piano VSTi DXi RTAS AU HYBRiD DVDR DYNAMiCS | 1.75 GB Higher settings can make the piano sound like an out-of-tune piano. DELAY PIANO - A delay effect is pre-programmed, and will add a bouncing echo. FLANGER PIANO - A flanger effect is pre-programmed, and will add a spacey stereo effect. PHASER PIANO - A phaser effect is pre-programmed and will add a swooshing quality to the sound. MULTI EFFECT PIANO - A combination of phaser and flanger has been pre-programmed. UNDERWATER PIANO - Simultaneous use of all effects makes this preset really weird sounding! VIOLIN PIANO - A slow attack lets the tone fade in, as if played by a violin! SPACE PIANO - Multiple effects in combination with a slow attack. A real Sci-Fi effect! Twenty-two Recording Style Presets These presets have been programmed to emulate the recording styles of pianos heard on famous recordings by various artists from the 1950's through 2005. Sustain Pedal Sounds If you record your Virtual Grand Piano performance, you can also add the sounds of the sustain pedal going up and down. A separate preset with only these sounds can be loaded after you have finished your piano performance. The pedal sounds are mapped to middle-C, and respond to dynamics - an abrupt quick down-and up movement will result in a realistic corresponding pedal noise. The pedal sounds presets can be found in the folder: Sustain Pedal Sounds next to the folders for Hard, Medium, and Soft presets. The Control Knobs The interface of the Virtual Grand Piano has eight control knobs that will allow you to customize the sound of each preset according to your personal taste! These knobs are loaded with a preset value.In the Basic Presets, and in the Recording Style Presets the knob assignments are: Knob 1 - EQ 1. A progressive tone control that has larger effect on the lower parts of the keyboard. With this EQ, you can filter out the bass frequencies of your left-hand playing without affecting the right hand solos. When making your own recordings, this is a way to emulate different microphone set-ups. Note: No note should be longer than 45-50 sec when EQ 1 is used. At around 50sec into the note there will be a slight bump in volume. Note 2: In the Recording Style Presets Knob 1 is assigned to Reverb Room Size. The Room Size control is only active when Reverb is set to a value higher than 0. Knob 2 - EQ 2. A tone control that affects the whole keyboard range equally. Turn the knob clock-wise to make the piano sound thinner. Use this control on its own, or together with EQ 1 to shape the sound of the piano so it will sit right in a mix with other instruments. This control is also practical to adjust the amount of bass frequencies when playing back from your home stereo speakers. Knob 3 - Reverb. Turning this knob clockwise will add a digital room reverb (not to be confused with the true hall reverb available in the Wet presets). If the knob is left at 0%, the Reverb will be disconnected and will not put any strain on the computer processor. Knob 4 - Width. Regulates the stereo width of the piano sound. At a 50% setting the stereo width will be the perspective actually recorded. At a setting higher than 50%, the stereo width will be artificially expanded. A smaller setting than 50% will render a shrunken stereo width. This effect comes in handy if you would like to change the placement of the piano on the sound stage. Just shrink the stereo width of the piano, and then use the Pan control knob to shift the piano to the left or to the right. Turning the knob all the way counter-clockwise will result in a mono signal. Knob 5 - Compression. Turning this knob clock-wise will amplify the softer sounds in the piano. The result will be a richer sounding piano with less dynamic difference between soft and loud. To compensate for the overall higher volume, you may need to turn down the volume knob somewhat. Knob 6 - Tune. This knob will adjust the overall tuning up or down. Knob 7 - Pan. This control moves the sound to either Left or Right in the stereo perspective. Use this knob with Knob 4 to position the piano on the sound stage (stereo field). Knob 8 - Volume. Turn the Volume knob to a value above 0 for a louder sound. Values below 0 will lower the sound. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Minimum Requirements: 6.0 GB Free Hard Disc Space, DVD Drive, Windows XP, Pentium 4/Athlon 1.8 GHz, Mac: OS 10.2.6 or higher, G5, 512 MB RAM The Kontakt Player needs a soundcard for playing the sounds of Virtual Grand Piano. Standard DirectSound, MME or ASIO drivers required; Windows-compatible MIDI hardware if required. The Kontakt audio engine is designed to make use of the processing power of your computerâ?™s CPU. The powerful and complex algorithms of the Kontakt Player work best on modern CPUs. Recommended Requirements: 6.0 GB free hard disk space, DVD-ROM drive, Windows XP, Pentium 4/Athlon 2.4 GHz or faster, Mac OS 10.2.6 or higher, G5 1.6 GHz or faster A MIDI interface is required if you are using a MIDI keyboard, another MIDI controller or an external sequencer. The MIDI interface integrated in many sound cards can also be used. We recommend 1 GB or more of RAM. The more RAM the better. The Kontakt Player needs an audio card for playing the sounds of Virtual Grand Piano. Standard DirectSound, MME or ASIO drivers are required. Windows-compatible MIDI hardware is required. The Kontakt audio engine is designed to make use of the processing power of your computerâ?™s CPU. The powerful and complex algorithms of the Kontakt Player work best on modern CPUs. More Info Install: Unrar, and Burn or mount the image
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