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Free Architect 2009 - Collection of Programs (2009)
Free Architect 2009 - Collection of Programs (2009)
Date: 18 March 2011, 22:11

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Architect 2009 - Collection of Programs (2009)

Architect 2009 - Collection of Programs (2009) | RAR 8 Gb

Anthology programs for 3d modeling and architects.
Year: 2009
Version: v1.2
Platform: PC
System requirements:
Microsoft ® Windows XP SP3 or above, Windows Vista ® SP2 or above, or Windows 7.
Microsoft ® Internet Explorer 6.0 or above.
512 MB of memory (RAM), 1 GB recommended.
Language: English + Russian
Tabletka: Present
Size: 8 GB
DVD contains:
ArchiCAD 12
The new version ARCHICAD 12 produced in the annual cycle of production and includes the latest developments that help users to perform more projects, to design more creative and better. The new version ARCHICAD 12 with support for multicore processors delivers significant performance gains on modern computers. In addition, ARCHICAD 12 offers users unique tools for the design of curtain wall, as well as improved tools for working with fills and raster images.
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009 (x86/x64) Official Russian version
AutoCAD allows you to easily and efficiently develop projects, visualize, and project documentation. When you create Autodesk AutoCAD main aim was to increase productivity. AutoCAD 2009 allows you to greatly improve your efficiency through improved customizable interface through which achieved growth of productivity and simplifies the challenge of drawing the necessary commands. New features streamline work with layers and allows novice users to quickly increase productivity. Easy-to-use navigation tools make it easy to navigate 3D models. AutoCAD will raise the productivity of your work to an unprecedented level.
Autodesk Revit Architecture Suite 2009 x86 official Russian version
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2009 is based on BIM, provide complete creative freedom with maximum efficiency. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2009 provides the opportunity to focus on what matters most - designing buildings, without the pain with too much time on training. You can work with any convenient type, quickly and easily make changes at any stage of development of the project, edit the main building components, and in record time to prepare working drawings based on 3D models of buildings. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2009 helps you create three-dimensional views for a more complete picture of your ideas to the customer and make changes to the building model, even in the later stages confidently that all types, specifications and construction documents remain coordinated.
Artlantis Studio v2.0.3.3
Artlantis Studio - the best solution for realistic simulation. In Artlantis Studio is fully implemented all its features Artlantis and maintained its interface. In addition, added new features: animation camera and objects, light sources and heliodons, as well as the creation of QuickTime VR files. Using QuickTime VR, you can create interactive presentations for the Web, in which, for example, the designer himself may establish the desired degree of accuracy and display resolution. Artlantis Studio - a tool for users who develop the presentation. It allows you to create both static images and animations, QuickTime VR panoramas, etc. In addition to the new mechanism FastRadiosity, Artlantis Studio offers a completely new functions. As an example the animation scene and animation object. Program has kept the simplicity and intuitive clarity of the interface.
BCAD v3.91.913 Russian version
For computer plotting, spatial modeling and realistic visualization. bCAD designed for a wide range of professional users - engineers, architects, designers, students and developers of specialized applications of CAD.
BricsCad Pro 7 Russian version
BricsCad Pro - an excellent choice for architects, engineers, designers and for everyone who creates or uses CAD drawings. BricsCad provides unrivaled compatibility with Autodesk AutoCad, and also makes possible the use of hundreds of programs developed by third-party firms. Anyone who is familiar with Autocad, can immediately start working with BricsCad, without any training. Convenient features a visual user interface settings, as well as support files Autocad custom menus, toolbars, scripts, photographs.
CyberMotion 3D-Designer
Despite the fact that the size and price of the program minuscule when compared to other programs of this kind, its capabilities are impressive. It consists of several modules, including built-in editor of landscape, atmosphere, etc. Using the software, you can easily create as promotional logos, and complex 3D-animation. And, you can animate all the elements in the scene without exception - cameras, lights, wallpaper, water, fire and even clouds and fog. CyberMotion 3D-Designer provides several visualization algorithms, including using the technology of global illumination. In this version, changes were made in modeling tools visualization, creation of lighting, selection of objects, import / export, texturing, particle systems, simulation of water and work with the camera.
FloorPlan 3D Design Suite 11.0.32
FloorPlan 3D Design Suite - the most reliable and convenient tool for redevelopment apartment, home design, renovation office. Easy to use tool and excellent graphics give you ample opportunities to design interiors in an interactive three-dimensional environment. The uniqueness of the program FloorPlan 3D is and that you can still at the stage of visual design to pick up the necessary materials for walls, doors, staircases, windows, ceilings, etc. This image, created in FloorPlan absolutely photo-realistic - you can even compare how combining the texture of certain elements of the interior, and selecting suitable materials. You can as accurately as possible to determine the size of furniture, choose colors premises, place in a planned indoor decorative elements of the situation. In the new version of the package there is an additional unique opportunity - designing landscapes.
Google SketchUp Pro v6.0.515
A program for 3D-modeling. The program is very easy to learn, therefore, to create three-dimensional models using it may even people who previously never worked with 3D-graphics. The program shall provide the user a set of simple shapes such as rectangles, lines, etc. t These figures are easily converted into three-dimensional models of various forms using a tool extrusion. Using a large library of pre-built components, it is possible for a few minutes to impose on the model of texture, change the color and add shadows. Google SketchUp is most often used for creating models for Google Earth. Resulting image can be stored in a format Google Earth or as a graphic file.
Home Plan Pro v5.2.12.20
Designed for quick and easy creation of a plan at home. The program has a fairly large variety of ready-made items (furniture, fixtures, windows, doors, etc.) that will help to plan the house / room for everyone who wishes to do so. After creating the plan, it can be printed or to forward by fax or e-mail (for this program in integrated fax and smtp-server), and also to keep in BMP, GIF, JPG and some druhih formats.
KitchenDraw v4.5.040322 Russian version
3D software for the design of kitchens, recognition as a standard in the industry. This program creates photo-quality images. KitchenDraw allows the calculation of the shadows from different light sources, a realistic reflection of the objects, calculate shadows, etc. The program offers automatic or manual alignment of the elements of kitchen furniture. The program will automatically assign a dimension lines and anchor. The user has a wide selection of kitchen items. Simultaneously, the user can specify the type of doors, accessories, materials and textures, as well as an integrated technology. Interior design, selection of styles and automatically change the light furniture styles, furniture placement with integrated appliances, sinks, hoods, etc, automatic and manual obrazmerivanie, creating estimates and specifications, import from AutoCAD, WOODY, 3DS MAX / VIZ, etc.
Nemetschek Allplan v2006.1 Russian and English versions
Allplan is an integrated software package that allows you to work as a three-dimensional space, for example to create a solid model at the stage of conceptual design or training video presentation, and in the plane of the drawing, creating documentation. The essential relief work of the designer and the gain in the speed of design is that during the detailed design, designers use either existing catalogs of standard parts and construction elements in accordance with GOST / SNIP, a workpiece is automatically derived from the volumetric model of a virtual building. Used the intellectual tools of software Allplan, allow to work in the following areas, between a single information environment:
- Architectural design
- Designing
- Building design
- Design and calculation of the utilities building
- Assess the cost of construction and design
- Project
OUTLINE 3D 4.5 offline Russian version
Allows up to millimeters draw the plan schema, define the type of color-surfaces (wallpaper, flooring, laminate, linoleum), arrange the furniture and all kinds of windows and doors, stoves, refrigerators (the only "but" - the target for PC demo of their limited number when working through the site are many more). And then - "wander" to get an apartment in the mode of 3D - opening doors, windows, shelving, cabinets and even the oven plate.
PRO100 4.42 (Complete + Libraries) Russian version
PRO100 - is an independent program for designing furniture and arranging interiors with immediate stereoscopic visualization of the scene. Is simple to service and professionalism decisions-friendly interface and many tools, the possibility of building their own libraries and use many, ready-made modules. At any moment, thanks to the program, get access to the automatic update to a report chip packages and components, evaluation of the project, the projections with application size, the possibility of any printout. The program is quite independent, requires only a computer running Windows and the printer.
ProgeCAD 2008 Professional v8.0.6
This is an affordable and powerful CAD software, supported formats DWG. progeCAD 2008 contains a number of important new technical features and improvements, thus providing users with unparalleled reliability and speed. The program provides devices Express Tools, built-in three-dimensional modeling of physical objects ACIS (ACIS solid modeling), allowing import and edit raster images, photorealistic rendering (visualization), printing formats, PDF, DWF, JPG and o2c, import PDF to DWG, the ability to process raster images, importing raster images into a vector, library, blocks, object tracking (Otrack), polar tracking (Polar Tracking), tuning functions of editing and tagging with the use of programming VB, VBA, C + + and Lisp. The product is ideal for virtually anyone who creates and uses CAD drawings: for students, teachers, architects, designers, drafters engineers.
Room Arranger v5.01.0.111 Russian version
Room Arranger - program for the design of buildings and interiors. You started a reshuffle in his apartment and not sure where and what to move? Intend to make alterations and to move the wall. Then program Room Arranger for you! It will not only move but also rotate, change colors and sizes, and create items such headset, which while you do not have and can you even think about them. And then, you can see how it will look like in 3D form (you must have an external VRML-viewer, narimer Cortona VRML Client).
Sweet Home 3D 1.2
Sweet Home 3D - a program to assist in the design of residential design and interior design, does not require special skills. With its help, you can create a 2D plan of this room or apartment, put on it windows, doors and furniture and then see how it will look like in interactive 3D. (Interactive - in the sense that the 3D model can twist in opposite directions and zoom-to remove the camera.) Program easy to use - discovered this on their own experience. In just a few minutes, I "drew" a plan for an imaginary room, painted the walls, put in windows and doors and arrange the furniture.
VisiCon v1.1. Design and Layout + Libraries
VisiCon - software for design and interior design. Program Vizikon is designed for simple and efficient interior design and design facilities, designed for people with no special technical training. The program will become your personal interior designer. In this product have been included only the most necessary functions, thus to simplify the process of development programs, and the work itself to an intuitive and accessible.
ARAMIS (automated workplace of the Engineer-Plumbing). Sanitary part of the project: heating, ventilation, gas and water supply. The program uses AutoCad as the base graphics core. This program: focus on the development of drawings for the design of heating, ventilation, water supply, etc.; contains tools for placement of heating devices, the creation and automatic modification of axonometric diagrams; enables communication with the calculated software system; allows the use of dialogues and documents flowcharts networks, nodes and devices, and also provides for automatic output documents.
LIRA 9.4
Software for LIRA is a modern tool for numerical analysis of strength and stability of structures and their automated design. LIRA PC includes the following main features: an advanced intuitive graphical user environment, a powerful multi-processor, developed a library of finite elements, allowing you to create computer models of virtually any structure: rod-plane and spatial schemes, shell, plate, beam-wall, massive construction, diaphragm, awnings as well as combined systems consisting of finite elements of varying dimensions (plate and shell backed ribs, braced the system and plates on elastic foundations, etc.), the calculation for various types of dynamic effects (seismic, wind, taking into account fluctuations, vibration load impulse, impact, response-spectrum), etc.
Software for MONOMAH designed for calculating and designing structures for buildings made of reinforced concrete, as well as buildings with brick walls. In the process of the complex is calculated to the building and its parts with the formation of working drawings and schemes of reinforcement structural elements. PC MONOMAH consists of separate programs - the layout, beams, columns, foundations, retaining walls, plates, section (wall), brick. These programs are linked information, in addition, each of them can operate in standalone mode.
Application Packages 3.0
Application Packages belong to the class of programs, decision support ", is designed for use directly in the workplace engineers and designers. Application Packages are developing a set of programs that were part of a PC scientific calculator. Demanded rapid build-up of such programs has led the organization of sections of PC engineering calculator as a separate application packages. Their structuring performed in accordance with the classes of problems encountered in calculating and designing structures: reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, wooden structures, grounds and foundations, etc.
Architect 2009 - Collection of Programs (2009)

Architect 2009 - Collection of Programs (2009)

Architect 2009 - Collection of Programs (2009)



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