Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming: Using JOGL and Java3D Date: 30 April 2011, 11:43
Product Description "A good, concise computer graphics textbook covering 3D concepts, essential fundamentals theory, and easy-to-follow OpenGL practical programming in Java." Dr. Jack Bresenham, Retired IBM Senior Technical Staff Member Increasingly in the realms of science and industry, computer graphics is an area of critical importance and utility. And within the graphics community, the demand for producing exceptional 3D graphics in particular is almost a given. This thoroughly updated and enhanced second edition of Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming is an innovative shortcut to graphics theory and programming using JOGL, a new vehicle of 3D graphics programming in Java. This revised edition of the successful, reader-friendly text covers all graphics basics and several advanced topics, as well as some basic concepts in Java programming for those who currently are C/C++ programmers. Specifically, it provides all the core aspects of OpenGL programming in Java using JOGL, along with concisely presented computer graphics theories. In addition, it uses a top-down approach to lead the reader into programming and applications up-front. The content about theory provides a high-level understanding of all basic graphics, and of using JOGL instead of implementing a graphics system. Explanations are integrated with the sample programs, which are specifically designed for learning and accompanying this book. Topics and Features: * Presents 2 new chapters covering vertex shading, pixel shading and parallel processing, and Cg programming [NEW] * Introduces a shortcut to 3D graphics theory, and serves as a concise guide to both theory and programming * Contains additional new material, such as a look at advanced effects in Cg programming [NEW] * Covers JOGL, a new vehicle of 3D graphics programming in Java, with extensive and complete examples * Incorporates numerous practical examples and exercises * Provides a new appendix for Basic Mathematics for 3D Graphics [NEW] * Introduces and describes Java3D, a shortcut to high-level 3D graphics APIs in Java, with detailed example programs * Provides readers with comprehensive samples in JOGL and Java3D * Offers a supplementary website with updates, sample programs, figures, and useful weblinks and instructions for setting up the OpenGL programming environment Written by a leader in 3D graphics, virtual experience, and statistical data visualization, this text/reference is a comprehensive, yet concise volume intended for scientists and engineers who understand Java programming. Moreover, it is a good reference for C/C++ graphics programmers interested in learning Java and JOGL. Accessible for an interdisciplinary readership, this book requires only basic knowledge of vector analysis and programming, and as such is highly suitable for classroom use. Key Topics * Geometric Transformation * Lighting and Shading * Blending and Texture Mapping * Curved Models * Programming in Java 3D * Animation and Simulation * Vertex Shading and Parallel Processing * Cg Programming PassWord:
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