Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty. Date: 28 April 2011, 07:01
Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty. By Roger Thurow, Scott Kilman * Publisher: PublicAffairs * Number Of Pages: 416 * Publication Date: 2009-06-22 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1586485113 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781586485115 Product Description: For more than thirty years, humankind has known how to grow enough food to end chronic hunger worldwide. Yet while the “Green Revolution” succeeded in South America and Asia, it never got to Africa. More than 9 million people every year die of hunger, malnutrition, and related diseases every year—most of them in Africa and most of them children. More die of hunger in Africa than from AIDS and malaria combined. Now, an impending global food crisis threatens to make things worse. In the west we think of famine as a natural disaster, brought about by drought; or as the legacy of brutal dictators. But in this powerful investigative narrative, Thurow & Kilman show exactly how, in the past few decades, American, British, and European policies conspired to keep Africa hungry and unable to feed itself. As a new generation of activists work to keep famine from spreading, Enough is essential reading on a humanitarian issue of utmost urgency. Summary: Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty Rating: 5 Everyone should read this book. I bought an extra copy and donated it to our public library. Summary: A Must Read!! Rating: 5 The first of anything I have ever read that explains the problems in Africa, and it's so good I can't put it down. This will make a fantastic movie! Our own farm subsidies make it difficult for Africa to complete globally, and when they have crop problems we ship aid in and compete directly against the local farmers and traders, and they can't compete against free. Truly a disturbing story of what were originally beneficial strategies becoming a drag on developing countries. Of course there are many other conflicts outlined in the eye-opening book, get ahold of a copy today. Summary: Shocking ... and hopeful Rating: 5 Half way through the book, you'll be mad as hell. By the end, you'll see some rays of hope. Thurow and Kilman lay out the problem: a billion or so starving or malnourished people in the world, in spite of the fact that there is enough food to feed everyone. Then they describe the barriers to getting the food to the people who need it: greed, politics, good intentions gone awry, and infrastructure/technical issues. Finally, they describe some of the ongoing efforts to overcome or end-run the barriers, and they lay out what needs to happen for the great vision of Jesus in Matthew 25 - the least being fed - to come to fruition. An important read, yet an interesting read and an easy read. Summary: Important questions answered. Rating: 5 I bought this book because I often wondered why hunger and famine couldn't be overcome in the modern world. Having read "Enough" I am now aware of many other problems besides unstable and criminal African political regimes that contribute to the food problems in Africa. More importantly though I gained a sense that the problems can be solved and that progress is being made. I think this is an important book. Summary: Outrage and Inspiration Rating: 5 This is a terrific book. For anyone interested in ending hunger and the worst aspects of poverty, such as the RESULTS people ([...]), this is a very good book. It provides excellent background on the problem of hunger, particularly in Africa. It provides wonderful stories on specific human beings that are undoubtedly replicated in thousands of others. Some of the stories make you mad. And some of the stories make you proud, and are inspiring. We can solve hunger. This book provides answers on how to do that. Easy read, very interesting. The book will also challenge your beliefs about U.S. foreign aid, if you think it is motivated by a desire to help the poor. It will help you understand just how much of our foreign aid goes to rich U.S. corporations.
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