Elements of Thermodynamics Date: 21 April 2011, 05:49
PREFACE The present book is a theoretical text. That is, it presupposes a certain familiarity with the experimental side of heat phenomena through a course of general physics (German: Experimentalkolleg). Such a background seems to us to be a highly desirable prerequisite for the study of theoretical physics. However, for the convenience of those who want an introduction or a recapitulation of the basic concepts, Chapters I and 2 give a survey of these. Since the rest of the book is self-contained, many readers will be able to bypass these two chapters or use them only for reference purposes. Unlike other parts of theoretical physics, thermodynamics demands very little by way of mathematical tools-only the elements of calculus. In spite of this formal simplicity (or perhaps because of it), thermodynamics has a veil of abstractness which must be penetrated in order to master the subject. One way of doing this is to draw at once upon the molecular mechanical theory of heat. This will ultimately give satisfaction. However, since molecular theory must be inferred from macroscopic experience-and not vice versa-the phenomenological approach to thermodynamics is followed in this book. Once that approach is assimilated, it gives a natural starting point from which to proceed to statistical mechanics. Occasionally we shall, of course, refer to the mechanical nature of heat to aid comprehension, but "proofs" on this basis are avoided. The modern student of physics has indeed many things to learn, but he cannot dispense with the "closed chapters" of physics, one of which is thermodynamics. Hence it is important to get a proper account without reading a text which is too voluminous. With this in mind we have treated only a limited set of examples which were chosen to explain the general theory. We have thus abstained from entering into many important applications such as magnetized systems and superconductors. Although examples of this kind might have been used to elucidate the theory, it was our aim to give the principles, rather than a manual to the diverse applications of thermodynamics, which of necessity would be very long. It is our hope that this book will enable the student to read the current literature on thermov dynamics and use specialized monographs, tables, and handbooks without difficulty. We are grateful to Drs. de Boer, Cooke, Griffiths, Hemmer, Hiis-Hauge, Kuhn, Michels, Olsen, and Trappeniers for their helpful comments, and to Mrs. Odde and Mrs. Aasen for help in preparing the manuscript. We are also grateful to the Oxford University Press for permission to use some problems from Oxford University Examination papers. Oxford, England Trondheim, Norway
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