DO Something!: Make Your Life Count Date: 15 April 2011, 14:19
I'm thrilled to be able to review this book, even more thrilled that I'm actually the first on Amazon to do so! I'm a Christian author of both fiction and non-fiction books and my publisher (Baker) sent me a copy of Miles' new book, DO SOMETHING, at my request. It arrived by UPS today. I devoured this book. Devoured it. Now, mind you, I'm on deadline right now, myself. Should be writing my own book. But once I started reading these life-changing stories, I couldn't stop. One after the other after the other. . .each one impacted me in a unique and compelling way. I found myself wanting to cry, to shout, to get up from my seat and march around the living room. In short, I had to DO something. I've always felt very strongly about servant evangelism. The church is called to have a hands-on approach, to minister to hurting people. And I love the fact that this book not only addresses needs individually (with amazing/powerful stories, no less), but also gives practical ways to do something about them. I sent an email to my pastor right away, letting him know that he will be getting a copy of the book from me. I urge everyone to do the same. Get this book into the hands of your pastors, your small group leaders, your outreach teams, etc. Most of all, though, read it yourself. Pay particular attention to the wrap-up sections at the end of each teaching. They're loaded with helpful ideas/information. One more thing. . .the layout of this book is brilliant. Modern, relevant stories interrupted by stories from the life of Jesus (told in an updated, easy-to-read way), then right back to the modern story. Literally, Miles interrupts our story with God's story to drive home the point that we serve a God who can relate to our needs on every conceivable level. There is nothing we could go through - tragedy or joy - that He has not experienced. I will leave you with the sub-title of the book: Make Your Life Count. I wanted to do it before reading this book, of course. But now? Well, now I feel like I can't breathe until I've actually taken a step in faith to DO something (bigger, stronger, faster, braver) with my life than I ever dreamed possible. Thank you, Miles, for the Ephesians 3:20-21 reminder that God's dreams/plans far exceed my own!
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