Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures Date: 08 May 2011, 00:40
Stephen O'Meara's new and exciting observing guide spotlights an original selection of 109 deep-sky objects that will appeal to sky-watchers worldwide. His 'hidden treasures' include a wonderful assortment of galaxies, open clusters, planetary nebulae and more, all of which have been carefully chosen based on their popularity and ease of observing. None of these objects are included in either the Messier or the Caldwell catalogs, and all are visible in a 4-inch telescope under dark skies. Stunning photographs and beautiful drawings accompany detailed visual descriptions of the objects, which include their rich histories and astrophysical significance. The author's original finder charts are designed to help observers get to their targets fast and efficiently. Review Praise for Deep-Sky Companions: 'Steve O'Meara has done it again. [This book] is a beautifully written, personal guide for observing 109 of the most beautiful objects in the night sky, plus 20 more personally chosen deep-sky treasures. Coupled with O'Meara's own meticulous observations, the rich observational history and current scientific knowledge of each object bring this book to life, and the depth of O'Meara's writing makes it a real gem.' David H. Levy 'An indispensable guide for anyone who observes the night sky with a quality amateur telescope from a reasonably dark place. Here are tips for viewing - and understanding! - more than one hundred entrancing galaxies, star clusters, and nebulae available to the backyard enthusiast. With its wealth of scientific and historical information, and its poetic sensibility, the book gave me immense pleasure even before I left my easy chair.' Chet Raymo ' ... there is no better guide than Stephen O'Meara's book. For each object there is a photograph, a finder chart, basic data, a discussion of what is seen through small telescopes, and some history of telescopic ideas. This is not a treatise on astrophysics, but an observer's guide, a worthy and superior successor to previous attempts.' Stephen P. Maran, Nature 'Steve O'Meara says the purpose of the book is to provide new and experienced observers with a fresh perspective on these objects. He has succeeded brilliantly.' Astronomy & Space '... impressive ... contains careful descriptions of each object, finder maps, telescopic drawings, and photographs. The text is spirited and informed, and the result is a must-have on the bookshelf of deep-sky enthusiasts.' Astronomy Magazine '... packed with useful advice, historical facts, and interesting anecdotes.' Robert Argyle, The Observatory '... this is an excellent book and it deserves a place on the bookshelf of both the novice and experienced amateur astronomer.' The Journal of the British Astronomical Association 'All in all, the book lives up to the author's claim about offering a new perspective and is thoroughly up to date and very readable book on the subject. I feel that it offers all deep sky observers something. Highly recommended.' Faith Jordan, Webb Society Quarterly Journal PassWord: books_for_all
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