Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation Date: 28 April 2011, 07:12
Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation (Networking Series) By John R. Vacca * Publisher: Charles River Media * Number Of Pages: 832 * Publication Date: 2005-05-27 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1584503890 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781584503897 Product Description: The Most Comprehensive, Up-to-Date, Reference on Computer Forensics! Using personal computers as their weapons, hackers and criminals (some only 11 years old) have attacked the Internet, government agencies, financial companies, small businesses, and the credit card accounts of unsuspecting individuals. This completely updated book/CD package provides a complete overview of computer forensics from information security issues to "crime scene investigation," seizure of data, determining the "fingerprints" of the crime, and tracking down the criminals. The book’s companion CD-ROM contains demos of the latest computer forensics software. Numerous exercises, case studies, and vignettes of actual crimes enhance the topics under discussion, and provide the reader with solutions to computer crime in the real world. KEY FEATURES • Comprehensive overview of the subject from information security issues to data recovery techniques to auditing methods to terrorist cyber-attacks • Includes Evidence Identifi cation and Checklist forms, hands-on projects, exercises, and case studies for each chapter • CD includes tools, presentations, and demos of the latest computer forensics software • Selected topics include: Computer Forensics Fundamentals; Data Recovery; Evidence Collection and Data Seizure; Computer Image Verifi cation; Duplication and Preservation of Digital Evidence; Electronic Evidence Reconstructing Past Events; Deterrence through Attacker ID; Destruction of e-mail; Networks; Protection against Random Terrorist Information Warfare Tactics; The Cyber Foot Print and Criminal Tracking; The Individual Exposed; Advanced Encryption & Hacking; Case Studies and Vignettes; Evidence Checklists and Forms On the CD-ROM (See Appendix G for Details) Includes a collection of forensic tools, demonstrations, docs, product presentations, and figures from the book. Topics and demos include: analysis tools, data recovery, forensic examination checklists, instant messenger issues, litigation, forensic training and certification information, case profiles, and more SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The third party software contained on the CD-ROM runs on a variety of platforms and operating systems. Please consult Appendix G for more details, and especially Web site information for specific requirements, updates, etc. Minimum system requirements for all of these software products include Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or higher, Windows 2000, XP; an Internet connection; some also require basic hardware such as Firewire, USB Devices, Zip, Jaz, Floppy Diskettes, or hard disk drives (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, ATA, SATA). Review: The mightiest fortresses in the world can fail, and when that happens all you can do (you being the person responsible for castle security) is figure out what went wrong, what damage was done, and by whom. If the castle was located in the right kind of kingdom--to take a metaphor too far--you can hope to prosecute the perpetrator. Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation explains how to gather evidence of computer crimes in such a way that it will be more likely to lead to a conviction in a criminal court. It's an interesting legal area--after all, it's almost always you, and not any law enforcement agency doing the surveillance and evidence-gathering on your computer systems--and John Vacca has done a fair bit of research. This book will probably expand your thinking on the subject of information security. On the other hand, though Vacca gives good general advice (don't lose volatile information by shutting a compromised machine down midattack; do be prepared to translate memory dumps into jury-readable form), he sometimes meanders into generalizations and irrelevancies. The fact that terrorists distribute their plans via public Web sites is certainly scary, but hardly helpful to someone wanting to prosecute the guy who vandalized the corporate Web site. Similarly interesting, but practically irrelevant to most of us, are discussions of high-energy radio frequency (HERF) and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons that can knock out information systems from a distance. More focus on evidence collection in organizational computing environments would make this book useful, rather than just generally informative. --David Wall Topics covered: How to gather evidence of a hack attack after the fact, and a lot of general-interest information on the state of crime and law enforcement in computer technology. Coverage is almost all general in nature, dealing with how to formulate a strategy and deal with events without getting into details of any operating system or computing environment. Summary: Little or nothing for the practitioner or serious student Rating: 1 Vacca appears to have edited rather than written this, and none too well at that. Some chapters use British spelling and some US, some talk of Pounds Sterling and others Dollars. (For each of the five star reviews, examine that writer's other reviews see if you detect a pattern emerging.) Having said that, the book does present a fairly decent overview of computer forensics for those who want general information about it, and had it been advertised as such I'd have graded it higher. It offers little or nothing, however, to the practitioner or serious student. Summary: Okay but I was disappointed Rating: 3 I was real excited when I saw this book that looked like the bible of computer forensics and it came with a DVD. The cost of 50 dollars made it expensive but with DVD that I hope would have video that I can watch. THe book is okay in giving a general idea of computer forensics. It was not very specific in what to do. It has an interactive part in which it give you general answer too not very thorough. Then, it goes on a tangent about warfare and cyber terrorism. It leaves the forensics behind. And the book goes over 700 pages. The DVd is intro to some fornesics software, I was hoping it had video to show people like me that are visual and can learn more this way. So, the book is okay but I would check others that are more specific and give more thorough details about computer forensics. Summary: New/updated info is spot on! Rating: 5 This edition of the book addresses the most current concerns/issues that every computer professional/layman should be aware of. The sheer amount of information offerd is impressive but, as always, presented in the same easy-to-absorb manner as John's numerous other books. Summary: Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation (With CD-ROM) (Networking Series) Rating: 5 Computer Forensics is very appropriate considering a number of data storage facilities that have been recently hacked into, resulting in theft of customer data. The subject matter of computer forsenic is logically presented from grounds up leading to a volume of valuable information. I was impressed with the case studies that appear in the appendix. The end of chapter exercises should be very useful, and thus could be adapted in a teaching environment. This text should form a companinon to the author's other text on Firewalls. Summary: The "CSI" of computer security Rating: 5 With jails overcrowded this book certainly won't help. Great reference. Truly the "CSI" handbook of computer security reference. With hackers circling your computer like vultures this book gets to the root of what to look for and how to deal with it. Many examples of actual cases are referenced. A helpful reference CD is also included which is just icing for your hard drive.
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