Computational Models, Software Engineering, and Advanced Technologies in Air Transportation: Next Generation Applications Date: 28 April 2011, 06:17
Computational Models, Software Engineering, and Advanced Technologies in Air Transportation: Next Generation Applications By Li Weigang, Italo Romani de Oliveira * Publisher: Engineering Science Reference * Number Of Pages: 326 * Publication Date: 2009-10-09 * ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1605668001 * ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781605668000 Product Description: As the air transportation system s capacity increase has not met the rapid growth in demand, maximizing the utilization of the infrastructure is preferred over expanding it. To make the most efficient use of the existing resources, it is then necessary to develop and implement advanced technologies. Computational Models, Software Engineering, and Advanced Technologies in Air Transportation: Next Generation Applications disseminates knowledge on modern information technology applications in air transportation useful to professionals, researchers, and academicians. This advanced publication contains multi-disciplinary contributions from the highest reputed authorities in areas of information technology involving air traffic control, airport design, airline management, and operations. Table of Contents: TENTATIVE Section I: Managing the Air Transportation Complexity This section presents the problematic of multiple agents in the air transportation concurring for the same basic resources in their operations: airspace, airport surface, fuel and many others. The demand for flights increases apace as consequence of economic growth, but resource availability does not follow the same pace. Given the potential for enormous conflicts with these simultaneous demands, what can be done to make the air transportation system more efficient and safe for the user, as well as environmentally friendly, along the upcoming years, based on already proven improvements and on long term research and development activities on technological systems, policies and algorithms? This is what this section’s chapters try to respond. Chapter I: Challenges Ahead for European Air Traffic Considering the continuing growth in air traffic volume and complexity, this chapter poses and discusses some important needs existing in the current European air transportation, in a systemic and evolutionary perspective, as well as the candidate solutions, and presents the directives to improve the air transport system, which are agreed among the main European air transport entities. Many of this chapter’s contents are applicable to the other regions of the world. Chapter II: The SYNCROMAX Solution for Air Traffic Flow Management in Brazil This chapter provides an overview of an important milestone achieved in the Brazilian Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM). It begins laying down the ATFM-related background concepts and defining the different roles and responsibilities in this activity. Then an overview on the Brazilian Air Traffic Scenario is presented and, as a tool for improving air ATFM decision making, the SYNCROMAX product solution is explained in a reasonable level of detail. Chapter III: Balance Modelling and Implementation of Flow Balance for Application in Air Traffic Management This chapter is complimentary to the previous one, and describes a decision making support system which uses Graph Theory and Artificial Intelligence techniques to solve problems in Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM). A prototype of the system was tested in some scenarios based on real input date, and the results were showed as satisfactory, however a discussion follows about how the results can be improved. Chapter IV: Cooperative Control for Ground Traffic at Airports In this chapter, the authors explain the problem of managing high levels of traffic in the airport surface, including aircraft and terrestrial vehicles. A mathematical model of this traffic is developed, allowing for uncertainty and perturbations. Assuming this traffic model, a multi-agent ground traffic control structure is laid, and algorithms of vehicles assignment for each aircraft movement are defined. Finally, some simulation results are reported and discussed. Section II: Improving Economic and Operational Performance Each agent in air transportation has to be economically sustainable in order to continuously operate. This attribute is achieved with a combination of several important activities related to Information Technology, such as market research, enterprise resource planning, operations research, risk analysis, the use of decision support tools, etc. The following chapters present conceptual and mathematical models that can be embedded in computational tools aiming at improving return of investment, competitiveness, and operational performance of airports and airlines. Chapter V: Critical Review and Analysis of Air-Travel Demand Forecasting Models Given the importance of making proper dimensioning of airport facilities and proper airline network design, this chapter describes and critically analyzes several models which can support these tasks, taking as the main factor the demand forecast. The applicability of each model, and its relative strengths and weaknesses are discussed, helping the reader who is eventually interested in selecting and using them. Chapter VI: Using the Continuum Equilibrium Approach to Solve Airport Competition Problems: Computational and Application Issues This chapter unveils an innovative computational method to understand how passenger flows behave when competing airports are available in circumscribed a region. The Hong Kong-Pearl River Delta is used as a case study is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. Chapter VII: Real-Time Non-Destructive Evaluation of Airport Pavements Using Neural Networks Based Models This chapter reports a model to evaluate pavement elasticity parameters in real-time, therefore enabling more agility in decision-making depending on airport pavement conditions, which is very likely to have safety implications. The model and the evaluation technique, based on Artificial Neural Networks, is validated using actual field data. Chapter VIII: Advances in Data Processing for Airlines Revenue Management This chapter presents a stochastic model and a computational method to forecast airline revenue based on ticket booking and cancelation events, and is divided in two main parts. The first part introduces the problem of updating the probability distribution of demand reservations, and the second part considers the design of a new Decision Support System for improving the reservation control process of airlines. Chapter IX: Commercial Aircraft: A Holistic and Integrated Model of the Flux of Information Regarding the Operational Support This chapter presents a comprehensive and systematic model for the process of operating commercial aircraft with Continued Airworthiness, which can help airline managers to better understand what is behind the commercially-available software they use, therefore enhancing their ability to see opportunities of process improvement. Section III: Improving Aircraft Performance In order to improve the overall air transportation performance, we have to think of improving its principal artifact: the aircraft itself. This improvement, however, must come with two main strengths: the efficiency in its individual transportation requirements, such as fuel efficiency, flight safety, passenger comfort, etc.; and the aircraft integrability in a high throughput transportation system, because otherwise it would be of little use to operate very efficient aircraft, having to keep them tenths of miles separated from each other and, eventually, having them most of the time waiting on ground or flying in circles. The first two chapters of this section present studies on technological means that help to reduce separation requirements between aircraft and, therefore, optimize airspace usage. Besides, the third c
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