Coding in Objective-C 2.0 | 410.33 MB
Genre : Training
Objective-C is the programming language for writing native iPhone and Mac applications. It’s also the language that Apple uses to build their own applications and frameworks. So, if you know Objective-C, you have a lot of power at your fingertips. But if you’re new to C or object-oriented programming, then Objective-C can seem a little awkward at first. These screencasts by Bill Dudney, an experienced Objective-C programmer, will help you quickly get up to speed on Objective-C 2.0 basics.
After watching these video tutorials, you’ll be more confident to start writing high-quality iPhone and Mac applications. You’ll not just know how to write code, you’ll also understand why it works. You’ll feel more comfortable with the Objective-C syntax and object-oriented programming in general. You’ll also be able to manage memory wisely and diagnose common memory problems. You’ll have added yet another programming language to your toolbox, and your resume!
In addition to the videos, you can also download the source code for each episode so you can follow along and experiment on your own.
* Episode 1: Classes, Objects, and Messages (59 minutes)
In this episode, we’ll write a small program in Xcode to learn the basics of object-oriented programming with Objective-C. You’ll learn how to:
- Write, build, and run basic Objective-C code in Xcode
- Use the Objective-C extensions to C for object-oriented programming
- Understand basic object-oriented programming concepts
- Use existing classes
- Write your own custom classes
- Define instance variables
- Use Objective-C 2.0 properties
- Define and implement methods
- Instantiate objects
- Send messages to objects
- Override superclass behavior
- Write custom initializers
* Episode 2: Memory Management (41 minutes)
Objective-C 2.0 has a garbage collector, but it’s not available on the iPhone. So if you’re writing iPhone applications, you’ll need to manage your own memory. And it’s especially important on the iPhone, where resources are constrained, that you clean up after yourself. In this episode, we’ll find and fix various memory-management problems that are common in Objective-C programs. You’ll learn how to:
- Manage memory wisely using retain, release, and autorelease
- Apply object ownership rules
- Understand how reference counting works
- Track down over-release problems
- Use Instruments to find and fix memory leaks
- Clean up an object’s state in the dealloc method
- Release and retain instance variables in setter methods
- Use properties to ensure consistent memory management
- When and how to autorelease objects using autorelease pools
* Episode 3: Debugging (42 minutes)
Bugs happen, even in Objective-C programs. You’ll want to find and fix them as quickly as possible. Thankfully, Xcode has a powerful debugger. In this episode, we’ll explore the various features and commands of the debugger, use it to find a bug, and wrap up with remote debugging. You’ll learn how to:
- Use the debugger to find and squash bugs
- Set breakpoints, and disable them for quicker debug cycles
- Navigate your program with debugger controls
- Inspect and change program state on the fly
- Edit breakpoints to conditionally stop or run arbitrary actions
- Use common GDB commands for more convenient debugging
- Debug an iPhone or iPod Touch application remotely
- Other expert debugging tips and tricks!
* Future Episodes
At some point in the future (we don’t know exactly when), we’re planning to record and release a few more episodes on topics including:
- Unit testing
- Categories and protocols
- Dynamic programming
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