Carlos Mena: Vespro a voce sola EAC Rip | FLAC+LOG+CUE | 262 MB | Scans | 2004 | Classical Astreée | Playing Time: 62'56" | ƒƒƒƒ de Télérama - 5/5 de Diapason “Years from now will the latter 20th/early 21st century be known as the era of the countertenor? A good case could be made for such a prediction, and you can add Spanish countertenor Carlos Mena's name (and voice) to the current list of first-rate practitioners of this vocal art, which was nearly lost and forgotten until its revival in the 1950s. It seems that you can't find a recording of Renaissance or Baroque vocal music these days that doesn't include at least one countertenor--an invariably excellent countertenor at that. Even many among the new generation of female altos seem to be tailoring their sound to conform to the current countertenor vogue. The program at hand is definitely not for all tastes--it's a "reconstruction of a vesper service for the feast of St. John the Baptist" drawn from Venetian manuscripts published in the first half of the 17th century. It's almost entirely for solo voice and a particular configuration of instruments, primarily cornetts and/or violins with continuo. The music certainly isn't too shabby--Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, and Banchieri make significant contributions--and even the lesser known composers show their facility for vocal writing, especially effective in the case of Cozzolani's Laudate Dominum and Bovicelli's Magnificat. Mena has an easy, smooth technique and a bright yet eminently sweet and agreeable tone as well as a total command of the repertoire. He's accompanied by solid, sympathetic instrumental partners who add appropriate color and essential foundation to the varied melodies. The sound is excellent. --David Vernier, ”

Carlos Mena TRACKS: “Orazio Tarditi Domine ad adjuvandum me Antiphona prima: Ipse praeibit (cantus plane) Adriano Banchieri Dixit Dominus (alternatim canto gregoriano e canto figurato) Girolamo Frescobaldi Canzon: la Bernardinia per cornetto e basso (in loco repetitur antiphonae) Antiphona secunda: Joannes est nomen ejus Alessandro Grandi Confitebor tibi Domine , con sinfonie Claudio Monteverdi Motetto (in loco repetitur antiphonae): Cantate Domino a due canti , cornetti muti Antiphona tertia: Ex utero senectutis Orazio Tarditi Beatus vir qui timet Dominum (sopra fuggi) Biagio Marini Sonata sopra fuggi da lieti amanti (id est beatus vir) Antiphona quarta: Iste puer magnus Tarquinio Merula Laudate Pueri , con ritornelli Giovanni Legrenzi Sonata (in loco repetitur antiphonae): La Buscha a 6, per 2 cornetti e fagotto, 2 violini e violone Antiphona quinta: Inter natos mulierum Donna Marguerita Chiara Cozzolani Laudate Dominum Andrea Falconieri Ciaccona a 3 (in loco repetitur antiphonae) Girolamo Frescobaldi Cappricio sopra Ut re mi fa sol la (organo solo) Claudio Monteverdi Ut queant laxis, hymnus sancti Joannnis (canto gregoriano, e canto figurato) Girolamo Frescobaldi Cappricio sopra La sol fa mi ré ut Antiphona ad Magnificat: Ingresso Zacharia Giovanni Battista Bovicelli Magnificat anima mea , falso bordone con passagi, in alternatim ”
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Ensemble La Fenice
Carlos Mena, alto La Fenice Jean Tubery, dirección
LOGExact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009 EAC extraction logfile from 2. September 2010, 20:25 La Fenice / Vespro a voce sola - Carlos Mena - La Fenice - Tubery Used drive : Optiarc DVD RW AD-7203S Adapter: 1 ID: 0 Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No Read offset correction : 48 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface Used output format : User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate : 768 kBit/s Quality : High Add ID3 tag : No Command line compressor : J:\prog\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe Additional command line options : -8 -V %s TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 2:16.15 | 0 | 10214 2 | 2:16.15 | 5:12.38 | 10215 | 33652 3 | 7:28.53 | 3:28.31 | 33653 | 49283 4 | 10:57.09 | 4:58.41 | 49284 | 71674 5 | 15:55.50 | 3:23.47 | 71675 | 86946 6 | 19:19.22 | 7:27.51 | 86947 | 120522 7 | 26:46.73 | 3:01.08 | 120523 | 134105 8 | 29:48.06 | 5:32.49 | 134106 | 159054 9 | 35:20.55 | 3:53.52 | 159055 | 176581 10 | 39:14.32 | 5:31.07 | 176582 | 201413 11 | 44:45.39 | 2:10.31 | 201414 | 211194 12 | 46:55.70 | 1:33.74 | 211195 | 218243 13 | 48:29.69 | 3:40.54 | 218244 | 234797 14 | 52:10.48 | 1:49.57 | 234798 | 243029 15 | 54:00.30 | 7:53.66 | 243030 | 278570 16 | 61:54.21 | 0:59.47 | 278571 | 283042 Range status and errors Selected range Filename K:\@Results\La Fenice - Vespro a voce sola - Carlos Mena - La Fenice - Tubery.wav Peak level 96.5 % Range quality 99.9 % Test CRC 450FEF9A Copy CRC 450FEF9A Copy OK No errors occurred End of status report