Date: 28 April 2011, 10:54
Product Description Blogging has moved rapidly from being a craze to become a core feature of the Internet—from individuals sharing their thoughts with the world via online diaries, through fans talking about their favorite sports teams or music, right up to serious business minds discussing industry futures. And that includes you, right? If you haven’t got a blog already, you want to start one, and want to find out how. If you have already got one, you want to know how to customize it, and make it look cooler than everybody else’s. In either case, this is the ideal book for you. In this book, a team of renowned web designers take you through the ins and outs of putting together great blogs. They waste no time harking on about the philosophy of blogs, or the community behind them. Instead, they get straight to the practical details, showing how to set up a basic blog in some of the world’s most popular blogging engines – Movable Type, ExpressionEngine, WordPress, and Textpattern. With your blog set up, they then show you how to build great looking, usable layouts for your blog. The last chapter even shows you how to build your very own PHP/MySQL-based blog engine! With this book in hand, you’ll have found your way to blog heaven in no time! About the Author David Powers is an Adobe Community Expert for Dreamweaver and author of a series of highly successful books on PHP, including PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy (friends of ED, ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-731-6) and Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8 (friends of ED, ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-569-5). As a professional writer, he has been involved in electronic media for more than 30 years, first with BBC radio and television and more recently with the Internet. His clear writing style is valued not only in the English-speaking world; several of his books have been translated into Spanish and Polish. What started as a mild interest in computing was transformed almost overnight into a passion, when David was posted to Japan in 1987 as BBC correspondent in Tokyo. With no corporate IT department just down the hallway, he was forced to learn how to fix everything himself. When not tinkering with the innards of his computer, he was reporting for BBC TV and radio on the rise and collapse of the Japanese bubble economy. Since leaving the BBC to work independently, he has built up an online bilingual database of economic and political analysis for Japanese clients of an international consultancy. When not pounding the keyboard writing books or dreaming of new ways of using PHP and other programming languages, David enjoys nothing better than visiting his favorite sushi restaurant. He has also translated several plays from Japanese. Phil Sherry is a self-taught web developer during the day in Liverpool, and a freelance web anarchist for the remaining hours of the day. With lingering bad memories of having to use dial-up connection for years, he still does his best to design sites for the lowest common denominator. That means lower resolutions too, as well as people with slower machines (let's not mention those poor Windows users). Working with Jake Smith, several rock gods have had their web presence greatly enhanced over the years, including Andy Rourke, the ex-bass player from The Smiths. Phil has previously worked on several friends of ED books, and also beta tested several key Adobe products. A self-confessed geek, Phil can usually be found in a room full of computers, surrounded by screens of ASCII. Andy is an internationally renowned web designer, developer and weblog author based in Brighton, England. Andy specializes in building attractive, accessible, and standards complaint web solutions. Andy enjoys writing about web techniques for sites such as and his work has been featured in numerous magazines, books, and websites around the world. Simon is Lead Web Developer at Agenzia (, and has worked on numerous web projects for record labels, high-profile recording artists, leading visual artists and illustrators, including The Libertines, Black Convoy, and Project Facade. Simon also oversees a production line of business, community and voluntary sector websites, and passionately ensures everything he builds is accessible, usable, and complies with current web standards. Simon regularly reviews CSS-based websites for Stylegala, and does his best to keep his highly popular blog ( updated with noise about web standards, music, film, travels, and more web standards. None Available Richard Rutter lives and works in Brighton, UK. He is Production Director for the web consultancy Clearleft ( Richard has been designing and developing websites for nigh on ten years. Early in 2003, he built his first blogging engine, which still powers his weblog Clagnut (, in which he harps on about accessibility, web standards, and mountain biking. Chris is a Web Developer and Mac enthusiast living in Central Kentucky USA. He is a hacker on the WordPress Project and K2, the successor to the Open Source Template Kubrick. Recently he has begun working with the Apache Software Foundation.
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